How do I get started?
How do I get started with integrating gender equality in our project group and in the results of the project? And what is meant by gender aspects in our project?
Here you will find support and guidance in gender equality workVinnova must work to ensure that the knowledge and needs of the entire population are taken advantage of, and that investments supported by us must benefit both women and men. Statistics show that innovation projects where men and women have the same power to influence are more successful.
For those of you who participate in our ventures, this means that gender equality must be integrated in both how your project group is composed and in the intended result of your project.
How do I get started with integrating gender equality in our project group and in the results of the project? And what is meant by gender aspects in our project?
Here you will find support and guidance in gender equality workGender equality is a prerequisite for sustainable social development and crucial for the ability to innovate. The entire population's experiences, skills and knowledge are needed to fully exploit society's innovation potential. The tax funds that we manage must equally benefit both women and men.
I Vinnovas instruction from the government, it appears that we must integrate an equality perspective in the authority's activities and promote gender equality when distributing funds for research and innovation. We must also work to ensure that gender perspectives are included in the project we finance, when applicable.
To do that, we work actively with gender mainstreaming. This means that all activities in authorities must be imbued with an equality perspective and that the activities must be developed so that they contribute to the equality policy goal that women and men should have the same power to shape society and their own lives.
How gender equality is integrated differs in Vinnova's various initiatives and can be seen from the respective program's call texts.
The EU Commission's research program Horisont Europa imposes eligibility requirements from the first of January 2022 on participating actors in the framework program to have a publicly published gender equality plan, Gender equality plan (GEP).
Do you have questions about how Vinnova works with gender equality and gender perspectives? Feel free to contact one of us.
Last updated 10 February 2023
Page manager: Moa Persdotter