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Four peepholes into the future

Published: 16 December 2022

Joakim Skog

Program manager

How can we shape and lead the way towards a desirable future? As an expert authority in innovation, Vinnova runs several initiatives to pave the way for how business and the public sector can work exploratoryly with social change.

In 2022, Vinnova has financed 11 project that worked with tools and methods in foresight and speculative design.

In the process, actors active in the art world, the business world, the public sector and academia have worked to expose, examine and renegotiate the values, norms and ideas that underlie the way we organize our society.

The result is a number of Future Prototypes - which shape and test new thought models and challenge our idea of what the society of the future might look like.

We have met four of the prototypes during the work process. Here you get an insight into how they have worked with questions about the future.

The prevention clinic

Signs of change

The conversion hotel and the marine allotments

The epic of the mobile society

If you want to try tools to look into the future and practice radical innovation, read here.

Text: Joakim Skog

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Last updated 16 December 2022