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Earth Citizen

Published: 13 September 2022

Emelie Ekblad


Below you will meet The Earth Citizens, a part of one of the prototypes funded within the framework of Vinnova's call for future prototypes. The ambition is to explore the forward-looking method of speculative design, which is about letting the recipient experience different possible futures. Foresight, leading from the future, is a methodology that can be used to contribute to societal change.

The almost suffocating heat temporarily dropped as the winds picked up. Instead the waves started building, a salty mist filling the air. The feeling of unrest grew as our tent began to lose its anchoring. The whipping sound of ropes being torn loose urged action. Though the effects of Climate change were literally in our face, pulling the ground beneath our feet, the appropriate actions were nowhere to be seen.

Back in the critical year of 2022 we saw a massive investment of  2% of GDP towards NATO but failed to commit the same critical amount towards preventing the climate breakdown. We saw an election year, with political debate criticized for unclear visions and promises for truly effective interventions. We experienced polarization fueled by fear. We saw the Earth Citizens taking the matter in their own hands.

As the political debate lost track of both ideological anchoring, vision, and effective interventions; slipping down the slope of fear fueled polarity - the Earth Citizens mobilized stronger. The number of Base Camps grew steadily as migration due to climate catastrophes and the connected conflicts escalated. Conversations emerging within the tents, as pioneers of diverse journeys met, built and converged around one central and pivotal realization:What if decisions of resources wouldn’t be centralized; controlled and exploited by political decisions that often are steered by the seek to remain in power. What if the control and regeneration of resources was transparently decentralized and distributed?

This vision of an alternative reality, where resources were more effectively reallocated and governed - grew stronger amongst the Earth Citizens. The need for a new form of government was painstakingly clear. Complementing their physical tents; a symbol for meeting that is perhaps as old as human civilization - they leveraged cutting edge technology at hand; blockchain, AI, and alike, to launch the Earth Citizen App; a decentralized, transparent and direct governance and government of resources and thus power. With integrated Emergency Alerts for effective mobilization in a turmoil of continuous climate breakdowns. A distributed decision-making tool where those affected by the decisions make them.


Text: Emelie Ekblad

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