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The forest data lab – from laser scanning to map product

Published: 15 November 2023

Erik Borälv

Acting head of department

In the forest data lab at the Swedish Agricultural University in Umeå, work is being done on making data available and innovation under the leadership of Anna-Lena Axelsson, who is coordinator for SLU's environmental analysis. The lab is a collaborative platform, and the work is run jointly by the Swedish Forestry Agency and SLU.

- We want to lower thresholds for the use of data. We do this by making it easier for different users to use data. We adjust the data in a way so that not only experts can use it - but also those who have a little less knowledge about data management, says Anna-Lena Axelsson.

Here you can see a film from the Forest Data Lab where Anna-Lena Axelsson talks about the lab's aim, the implementation of the projects and his thoughts for the future. The film also features Liselott Nilsson, GIS specialist at the Swedish Forest Agency, where she explains why they are involved in the Forest Data Lab and how they work with change analyzes of satellite images linked to forest damage. Kajsa Wivstad from the Norwegian Forestry Agency shows a map portal with different map layers - including pre-analysed carbon beds in the landscape. Tomas Lämås, researcher at SLU, explains how to look at how the forest can develop in the future with the help of the Heureka system, which precisely provides the opportunity for detailed forest planning.

In the second film from the Forest Data Lab, Anna-Lena Axelsson talks about some examples of things that the lab has carried out. William Lidberg, senior lecturer at SLU, talks about how the new lidar technology affects map production and how the lab manages its large amounts of data.

Mats Nilsson, researcher at SLU, talks about the map set Forest basic data and laser scans. Anneli Ågren, researcher at SLU, tells about the Forest Data Lab's webinar that has been aimed at the industry and about how to develop better soil data in the soil type map that SLU is working on together with SGU.

The forest data lab has conducted webinars during the year and presented everything from a forest fire database to an AI model for finding dead spruce trees. Most were recorded and can be viewed in the calendar. The news about carbon maps, which is a further development of forest basic data and data from the land inventory as well as national land cover data, can be read more about here. More details about the new open forest data from the national laser scan can be found here. Going forward, the Swedish Forestry Agency and SLU will further develop the lab environment through collaboration with Södra, Sveaskog, Dianthus and Linnaeus University.

Text: Erik Borälv

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