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Horizon Europe: What is an Living Lab and how do you participate?

Organised by: KSLA, Vinnova och Formas
Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien (KSLA), Drottninggatan 95B, 113 86 Stockholm Wed 15 Jan 2025 at 13:30-16:30

Almost two-thirds of European soil is in an unhealthy state, new findings from EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) show. The EU Commission has taken note of the new findings and in response produced "Mission Soil”. It is an ambitious goal that will create direction and synergies among the efforts made in innovation and implementation.

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The seminar is aimed at researchers, farmers, foresters, other types of land owners as well as civil society actors and companies with relevance to soil health and land use.

During the seminar, you will learn about the method "Living Labs”, find out more about the current EU programs and take part in insights from Swedish actors who run Living Labs-projekt.

Mission Soil and AGROECOLOGY
EU Mission Soils - a new gift for the European soil - aims to increase understanding of the importance of soil health and generate new knowledge that is put into practice. This will take place in at least 100 locations within the EU in so-called "Living Labs”", where researchers and owners of needs can collaborate, test and demonstrate new solutions.

The EU Commission also wants to speed up the transition of EU agriculture to become more sustainable and therefore also supports the partnership AGROECOLOGY (European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures) which will increase cooperation and use of research results through the establishment of Living Labs.

The AGROECOLOGY partnership focuses on agriculture, while Mission Soil includes agriculture as well as forestry and land in urban and industrial environments.

Living Labs
Living Labs is a method that has become more common in European collaborative projects in land use and agriculture. Both the EU's Mission Soil and the AGROECOLOGY partnership have chosen to work with Living Labs as a method.

What constitutes an Living Lab? Hur if you organize yourself to seek Living Labs-projekt? Which problems linked to land use and agriculture are prioritized in the programs? These are some of the questions that will be answered during the seminar.

We are grateful to have representatives from RISE who coordinate the Living Labs-projektet iCOSHELLs that started in 2024. They will tell us about their practical experiences of forming a consortium and structuring project as an Living Lab. We will also hear experiences from one of the first projects in the AGROECOLOGY partnership.


13:00-13:30 Registration

13:30-13:35 Welcome from the organizers

13:35-13:40 An introduction to Horizon Europe and programme with Living Labs

13:40-13:55 EU's Mission "A new lease of life for the European soil"

13:55-14:10 The EU partnership AGROECLOLOGY

14:10-14:30 Questions

14:30-14:55 COFFEE BREAK

14:55-15:10 Presentation of the Living Lab project iCOSHELLs

15:10-15:25 Presentation of AGROECOLOGY project with Living Lab approach

15:25-15:55 Panel discussion with several Swedish project partners in the projects

15:55-16:00 Closing and summary

16:00-16:30 KAFFE OCH MINGEL


Elin Mellqvist, Avdelningssekreterare Allmänna department, KSLA.
Sara Österman, Avdelningssekreterare Jordbruksavdelningen, KSLA.
Jonathan Nylander, National contact person (NCP) EU Missions, Vinnova.
Susanne Johansson, Ansvarig Partnerskapet AGROECOLOGY and national expert for Mission Soil, Formas.
Cheryl Marie Cordeiro, Project manager, RISE.
Erik Sindhöj, Senior Forskare, RISE.

The meeting takes place physically in KSLA's premises, but there is an option to listen digitally. Coffee is offered for participants on site and online participants are invited to stay for a digital mingle.

Sign up via KSLA's calendar via the link above by January 13 at the latest. There is a limited number of places to participate physically.

Warm welcome!

Sometimes we photograph or video record our activities. If you don't want to participate in photos or videos, please let us when you arrive.


Jonathan Nylander

National Contact Point (NCP)

+46 8 473 30 24

Last updated 11 November 2024