During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions about the call for proposals within the EU partnership FutureFoodS. We will also tell you more about the match-making tool available. The meeting is held jointly by Formas and Vinnova.
The meeting is held digitally via Microsoft Teams. No pre-registration is required.
The matchmaking tool helps you find partners.
- Create a case yourself to offer/seek competence
Either you want to offer your services (offer) to a team or you are looking for a certain competence/profile (request) to strengthen your project - Take part in published cases
You can browse and search through the list of cases. If you find something that suits you, you can contact the case owner by email.
You can find the matchmaking tool via the application portal
(at the top of the right side you can click on the PARTNERING tab)
More information
Read more about the call for proposals FutureFoods on Vinnova's website
Read more about the call for proposals on the official website for the call for proposals