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Information meeting about Planning Grants for an international proposal

Digitally Wed 14 Feb 2024 at 09:00-10:00

Welcome to our digital information meeting on February 14 at 9-10 where we go through the call Planning Grant for an international proposal in 2024.

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

The call is aimed at actors who want to improve their project applications and opportunities for funding. The offer applies to international calls for proposals in any of the following areas; Sustainable industry, Sustainable societies, Sustainable precision health, Sustainable food systems and Sustainable mobility.

The meeting is digital and will be held in Swedish and will not be recorded.

No pre-registration is required.

Click here to join the meeting.

Sometimes we photograph or video record our activities. If you don't want to participate in photos or videos, please let us when you arrive.


Melike Günes


+46 8 473 31 30

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Last updated 5 February 2024

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