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Informationsmöte Residens Framsyn

Digitally Tue 12 Sep 2023 at 14:00-15:00

Welcome to an information meeting for stakeholders of the call for proposals Residens Framsyn - an effort aimed at public organizations that for some time want to invite a person with competence and experience in the field of foresight.

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Click here to join the meeting

The offer is a so-called residency program. In a time of exponential development, it is very useful to find relevant ways to understand, use and relate to what is around the corner - be better equipped to lead from the future.

The meeting is partly aimed at public organizations interested in applying, as well as the individuals who are potential candidates for the public organizations to engage in a proposal and future residency.

No pre-registration is required for the meeting.

Here you will find the call for proposals: Residens Framsyn - invite future competence to your public organization

Sometimes we photograph or video record our activities. If you don't want to participate in photos or videos, please let us when you arrive.


Jonas Gumbel

Programme manager

+46 8 473 32 62

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Last updated 8 September 2023

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