Many of the traditional industries, such as forestry, mining and steel production, are changing their production techniques to become more climate neutral and are also trying to find new ways to use and reuse the raw materials. New industries establish themselves and expand their activities. Everything to contribute to the The Green Deal, EU's strategy to reach the goal of achieving climate neutrality by the year 2050 at the latest, becoming a reality.
European Spallation Source, ESS, and MAX IV in Lund are two of the world's most advanced research facilities. In what way can research infrastructure and knowledge at the universities as well as MAX IV and ESS contribute to creating more sustainable products and processes for these industries? Who takes the lead in the green revolution - the USA or EU? Hur Sweden contributes to European self-sufficiency? Funding and competence - is it an opportunity or a challenge?
We will talk about this at this year's ESS/MAX IV Summit, where you can listen to, among other things, the following people:
- Pär Jonsén, Chief Technology Officer, LKAB Reemap
- Mikael Nordlander, Director Industry Decarbonization, Vattenfall
- Sara Mazur, Chair of the Board at WASP – Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program
- Martin Karlsson, University Relationship Manager, Northvolt
Moderator for the event is Maria Borelius. The event is held in English and broadcast live via the Swedish Research Council's YouTube channel:
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