But how do you work mission-oriented? What is good to think about and which pitfalls should be avoided? On May 31, Vinnova invites you to a second information meeting about the call for proposals on the theme "Mission-oriented working method - how do you do it?". You can listen to Ebba Hallersjö Hult from the innovation environment Nollvision Cancer (Nollvision Cancer) and Hanna Sigsjö from Rädda Barnen who work with the mission that all children should have an equal chance to pass school
At this time, we do not go into detail about the call for proposals. If you want to hear more about it, you can listen to the recording from the first information meeting, which will shortly be published on the announcement page A new recipe for the food system - building innovation platforms for a sustainable food system.
We end the meeting with a question and answer session where Ebba Hallersjö, Hanna Sigsjö and the call manager from Vinnova answer questions.