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Deeptech in Sweden - opportunities and challenges

Organised by: Tillväxtverket och Vinnova Samverket, Mäster Samuelsgatan 56 och digitalt Mon 6 Feb 2023 at 13:30-16:00

Deeptech companies have enormous potential to contribute to solving the major societal challenges of our time and strengthen Sweden as a leading industrial and innovation nation. Tillväxtverket and Vinnova have, on behalf of the government, examined how Sweden can strengthen the growth of deeptech companies. Welcome to a seminar where we highlight various aspects of the deeptech area and present conclusions from the government assignment.

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On the afternoon of February 6th, the Agency for Growth and Vinnova invite you who want to know more about the present and future of deeptech companies. What are the areas of strength? What does the Swedish deeptech landscape look like? And where do the companies have significance and meaning for Sweden and Europe today and in the future?

During panel talks, presentations and discussions, we will highlight various aspects of the deeptech area. What financial support is available today and what might it look like in the future? What do the deeptech companies themselves say is important for their development?

During the seminar, the final report of the government assignment is submitted to State Secretary Sara Modig, who is present on site. Also participating are Marie Wall, Startupansvarig Näringsdepartementet.


At 14 -15

  • Welcome - Moderator Annie Lindmark
  • GD has the floor, Darja Isaksson, Vinnova
  • GD has the floor, Elisabeth Backteman, Growth Agency
  • "Deeptech's significance for Sweden and Europe going forward", Nicklas Bergman
  • "Presentation of the government mission", Annie Lindmark, Vinnova and Henrik Storm Dyrssen,Tillväxtverket
  • Panel: "Conditions for Swedish deeptech companies"
    Moderator: Anne Lidgard 
    Panelists: Patrik Sobocki, Investment Director & Head of Deeptech Investment Practice, Industrifonden
    Mamoun Taher, Founder and CEO, Graphmatech
    Anette Nordvall, Venture Partner, Butterfly
  • Report submission to State Secretary Sara Modig

At 15 - 16

  • "Swedish areas of strength within deeptech" Daniel Ekström, Senior Manager, Amsterdam Data Collective 
  • "From research to competitiveness", Henrik Storm Dyrssen, Tillväxtverket
  • Panel: "Effective interaction between the public and private sector"
    Moderator: Henrik Storm Dyrssen,Tillväxtverket
    Panelists: Magnus Melander, Co-founder, THINGS & Advisor Deeptech Alliance
    Malin Carlström, General Partner, Climentum Capital
    Charlotte Emlind Vahul, Head of Venture Creation, Chalmers Ventures
  • Interview: Marie Wall, startup manager at the Ministry of Enterprise
  • Summary & conclusion

Sometimes we photograph or video record our activities. If you don't want to participate in photos or videos, please let us when you arrive.


Annie Lindmark

Programme manager

+46 8 473 30 95

Last updated 9 May 2023

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