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Innovair - SMF flights spring 2024

Innovair - SMF flight spring 2024

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The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

Aeronautical questions at system level or related to, for example, propulsion, materials, sensors and electrification. This may include manufacturing and concept studies.

Who can apply?

Small and medium-sized companies, by themselves or in collaboration with institutes/university college or with larger companies (which cannot be a beneficiary). We welcome project with a high degree of originality and level of innovation.

How much can you apply for?

The total budget for the call for proposals is approximately SEK 3 million. We intend to finance about 5 projects.

Important dates

  • Call text for the offer

    Tip: To create a PDF with all the information about the offer click Ctrl+P and select PDF to save the content.

    • Aeronautical research in small and medium-sized companies

      Innovair is part of Vinnova's, the Energy Agency's and Forma's joint effort on strategic innovation programs. The purpose of the investment in strategic innovation programs is to create the conditions for international competitiveness and sustainable solutions to global societal challenges.

      Innovair brings together and supports various actors from companies, universities, university colleges, institutes, interest organizations and authorities active in the aeronautics field.

      This call for proposals is mainly aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The projects will contribute to strengthening SMEs within the Swedish aviation industry with aim of increasing their participation in Swedish and international research programs and creating opportunities for them to become suppliers to the Swedish or international aviation industry. By SMEs taking advantage of the competence of larger companies, institutes and universities, the ability and competence of the smaller companies will be strengthened.

      The projects must address issues related to aeronautics in a broad sense. For example, it can be about basic aviation technology and comprehensive capabilities, advanced structure and manufacturing methods for aircraft, intelligent on-board systems and propulsion technology.

      See also NRIA Flyg 2020 for more information on priority areas.

      The budget for this call for proposals is approximately SEK 3 million. We look forward to granting approximately 6 to 10 project in this call for proposals.

      It is possible to apply for funding in three different project levels:

      • Level 1- project, funding up to SEK 150,000 per project.
      • Level 2- project, funding up to SEK 500,000 per project.
      • Level 3- project, funding up to SEK 1,500,000 per project.

      For the different project levels, different eligibility requirements are placed on cooperation with others. SMEs can apply for funds individually, or in collaboration with an arena or test bed. Cooperation with academia, research institutes or any major company in the aviation industry is also seen as positive. Larger companies (not SMEs) cannot be beneficiary in this call for proposals.

      We welcome project with a high degree of originality and innovation that can strengthen and contribute to the development of the Swedish aviation industry linked to sustainable growth, both from a civil and dual-use perspective.

      For more information on the program

    • The overall aim of SMF Flyg the call for proposals is to strengthen Swedish small and medium-sized companies' innovative capacity.

      The purpose of this call for proposals is to:

      • Create opportunities for SMEs to become part of the supply chain to the international aviation industry, either individually or in collaboration.
      • Ge SMF the opportunity to take part in the knowledge and experience of larger companies or research institutes through collaborative projects.

      In the call for proposals SMEs are given the opportunity, in collaboration with a production arena or test bed, such as PTC Innovatum or Innovative Materials Arena, to take part in their competence and equipment. The projects can also be of a different nature where SMEs collaborate with larger companies, university college or institutes.

      One of the goals is that already established actors in the Swedish aviation industry's value chain should be able to strengthen their capabilities. Another objective is that actors who are currently active in other industries should be given the opportunity to expand into the aviation industry.

      Vinnova is tasked with promoting sustainable growth and community development. Genom Agenda 2030, the countries of the world have agreed on a global agreement and understanding of what characterizes sustainable development. Through our efforts, we contribute to the global commitment to reach the goals.

      In Inom Agenda 2030, Vinnova has particularly singled out climate and gender equality as two central sustainability perspectives to which our funded investments should contribute positively. Project financed by Vinnova are therefore expected to take special account of the climate and gender equality aspects.

      Read more about our work to contribute to the goals of Agenda 2030

      One aspect that Vinnova follows up and assesses is whether both women and men share in the grant in an equal way, participate in and have influence over the project. See section 7 under the actor criterion.

      Another aspect involves analyzing and deciding whether there are gender or gender aspects that are relevant in connection with the project's problem area, solutions and utilization. This question is mandatory for all applicant and can be found under the heading " Project tasks". In this call for proposals the question is not the basis for assessment.

      Read more about what our work for equal innovation means for those of you who seek funding from us

      Results from research and innovation that are made freely available increase the opportunity for more people to contribute to solutions to societal challenges. The call for proposals should contribute to making more results freely available to everyone and scientific publication should take place with open access.

    • The call for proposals is primarily aimed at established SMEs with activities in the aviation area. Cooperation with larger companies, research institutes or academia must take place according to eligibility requirements for the respective project level, see section 4.

      The projects must be focused on one or more of the following aeronautical research areas:

      • Basic aeronautics and comprehensive skills
      • Advanced aircraft structure and manufacturing methods
      • Intelligent onboard systems
      • Propulsion technology

      The above areas include technologies for both dual-use and fossil-free aviation.

      Larger companies cannot receive funding in this call for proposals but are encouraged to participate as participant in collaboration with smaller companies.

    • Activities for which funding can be applied for

      It is possible to apply for project funding at three different levels regarding the amount of funding and project time.

      Level 1- project

      The call for proposals enables SMEs to implement smaller project, so-called "arena projects", in collaboration with a production arena or test bed. The project must include at least one SME, which uses or collaborates with a production arena or test bed. The project can have one or two project parties. Funding can only go to SMEs. Larger companies cannot participate here.

      Examples of activities can be, for example:

      • Hire personnel within arenas and institutes as discussion partners for help in developing and formulating new ideas and concepts.
      • Collaborate with arenas and institutes for problem solving in materials, manufacturing and construction.
      • Arrange workshops or joint visits to create networks and direct contacts between SMEs and suppliers of equipment, tools, measuring systems, etc., to solve the companies' challenges and ultimately create business opportunities.
      • Arrange short demonstration and validation projects.

      The project duration may be a maximum of 6 months.

      Level 2- project

      A level 2 project can be connected to an arena but there are no eligibility requirements. The project can be a one- or multi-party project, but we set eligibility requirements that at least one SME participates in the project. Large companies can also participate, but not as beneficiary.

      Example of activities:

      • Prototyping, demonstration, pilot work, testing and validation of new or improved products, processes or services.
      • Testing or demonstration of a new manufacturing technique.
      • Creation of new or improvement of existing products, processes or services. This may include conceptual definition and planning for new products, processes or services.

      Please note that routine or recurring changes to existing goods, manufacturing methods, manufacturing processes, services or other ongoing operations cannot be financed. This applies even if these changes may mean improvements.

      The project duration may be a maximum of 12 months.

      Level 3- project

      Level 3 project aims to develop the conditions for several suppliers in different or related technology areas to together form a supply chain for the aviation industry. A potential user in the form of a larger company in the aviation industry must be identified, which must be evident from proposal. The projects must be multi-party projects and at least two SMEs must participate. Large companies can also participate, but not as beneficiary.

      Possible activities within the project are the same as for level 2- project.

      The project duration must be between 12 and 18 months.

      Eligible costs

      Vinnova's funding takes place through funding. Funding for organizations that carry out economic activities is covered by rules on state support. The rules govern, among other things, which types of costs and what proportion of them may be covered by funding.

      Basic prerequisites for a cost to be eligible for support are that it must:

      • Carried by applicant company.
      • Be attributable to the project.
      • Have arisen during the project period.
      • Be determined in accordance with the company's usual accounting principles and good accounting practice.
      • Be in accordance with the company's internal policies and guidelines.

      Accounting for the project costs must be separated from the company's other transactions in the project parties' accounting.

      Which costs are eligible for support depends on which basis for support we grant support according to.

      Use the Tables of support levels for government support and Instructions for eligible costs that you can find here

    • Funding per project

      • Level 1 project
        Funding can be granted up to SEK 150,000 per project. There are no eligibility requirements for co-financing from applicant SME.
      • Level 2 project
        Funding can be granted up to SEK 500,000 per project. The level of support can be a maximum of 50 percent of the project's total costs.
        Example: For a project cost of a total of SEK 1,000,000, the project itself must account for SEK 500,000.
      • Level 3 project
        Funding can be granted up to SEK 1,500,000.
        The total support level for the project can amount to a maximum of 50 percent of the project's total eligible costs.
        None of the companies may account for more than 70 percent of the total eligible project costs.
        Max aid intensity per party is governed by the state aid rules.

      Funding per party - grounds for support

      Please note that the support basis is determined per participant. Several support bases can thus be used in one and the same project.

      SME certificate

      To be eligible for support as an SME, the company's size must be proven via a certificate attached to proposal, a so-called model declaration. See section 9 for more information. If a certificate is not attached, proposal will not be processed.

      In this call for proposals funding is awarded with support of the following support bases:

      • Minor Support - Level 1 - project
        Funding that is granted support of minor importance can receive an aid intensity of 100 percent. Project parties who are granted funding with this basis for support must first submit a certificate of minor support.
      • Experimental development - Level 2- and 3- project

      The following support levels apply to funding with this basis for support:

      • Small business: 45 percent
        60 percent if actual collaboration or dissemination of results is included.
      • Medium-sized company: 35 percent
        50 percent if actual collaboration or dissemination of results is included.

      The project's activities must constitute experimental development.

      For more information about the support basis and support levels, see Support levels, definitions, etc. for funding according to Vinnova's support scheme page 2

      • Non-state aid
        Organizations that carry out non-economic activities can be granted funding that does not constitute state aid when they participate with their non-economic activities. Funding that is granted as non-state aid can have an aid intensity of a maximum of 100 percent.
    • Prerequisites for proposal to be assessed

      Only applications that meet the following formal eligibility requirements will be assessed:

      • The project's parties must be research institutes, university college, larger companies or SMEs. At least one SME must participate in the project. This means that if there is only one participant, that applicant must be an SME.
      • All project parties must be legal entities and beneficiary must have a branch or place of business in Sweden.
      • The project requirements for the various project levels specified in section 4 must be met.
      • Proposal must be designed in accordance with section 9.
    • What is assessed?

      • How well is the project's novelty value, level of innovation and state of the art described?
      • How does the project increase the opportunities for participating SMEs to become a supplier to the Swedish or international aviation industry?
      • In what way and to what extent does the project generate value and new opportunities for both the SME company and other participating parties?
      • In what way can the project have an impact on the parties' ability - knowledge, competence, technology and more - to develop new products, services and processes?
      • How are the project's potential effects in terms of sustainability addressed and analyzed?
      • How convincingly are the project's prerequisites and ability to implement the project and achieve the expected results described?
      • How well is it described which skills, including sustainability skills, are required for the project to be successful?
      • How well the project team is composed with respect to gender distribution, including the distribution of power and influence between women and men.
      • Does the project plan contain realistic objective in relation to the budget?
      • How do the project goals relate to the needs a potential OEM or equivalent has on an SME in the aviation industry?
      • Is the project plan realistically timed? Are the work packages described and resourced satisfactorily?
      • Is there a description for handling confidentiality and intellectual property rights in cases where it is needed?
      • How well have relevant sustainability perspectives been integrated into the project plan?
      • How realistic and well thought out is the risk analysis and risk management plan considering the scope of the project?

      How does the assessment process work?

      The project applications will be assessed by external, specially appointed, evaluator. The assessment takes place in competition between received applications according to the criteria potential, actors and feasibility listed above. Vinnova is responsible for the assessment process.

    • Decision

      How much each party in the project is granted in funding is shown in the decision. Funding will be granted with support from the support bases experimental development, non-state support, or support of minor importance. The basis for support appears in the decision and also governs which costs are eligible for support.

      Vinnova's decision to grant or reject a proposal cannot be appealed.

      Term for granted funding

      For granted funding Vinnova's general terms and conditions apply for funding. The terms contain, among other things, rules about project agreements, conditions for payment, follow-up, reporting and utilization of results. Scientific publication must take place with open access in accordance with Vinnova's instructions.

      As the call for proposals takes place within the framework of strategic innovation programs, the following special conditions also apply:

      • The project must be represented by at least one participant at the conferences and other activities organized within Innovair.
      • In information about the project and in every publication of project results, it must be stated that the work was carried out within the strategic innovation program Innovair, a joint effort by Vinnova, Formas and the Energy Agency.
      • At the same time as the project's final report to Vinnova, a summary of the project results must also be sent to Innovair via e-mail
      • The summary must be able to be distributed and published freely and must not contain confidential or otherwise sensitive information.

      Supplementary special conditions can be decided for individual project.

      If you do not comply with Vinnova's term, you may be liable for repayment. This also applies if you have been granted funding incorrectly or with too high an amount.

    • This is how you apply

      To apply for funding you fill in a web-based form in Vinnova's e-service for applications, which can be accessed via the "Apply now" button further down the page.

      There you also upload the following attachments according to template:

      • Project description
      • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
      • Project report
      • Model declaration SME
      • Certificate of minor support. Attached only if it is relevant for any participant. Then this party must attach a certificate of previously received support of minor importance. The certificate is available on Vinnova's website.

      At the same time as proposal is sent to Vinnova, the appendix Project Report, see template, must also be sent to Innovair via e-mail The project report must be able to be distributed and published freely and must not contain confidential or otherwise sensitive information.

      Keep in mind that it takes time to make a proposal. You can start filling in information, save and continue at a later time. When proposal is ready, you mark it as done. You can completely unlock proposal and make changes at any time, right up until the application deadline.

      Please mark proposal well in advance before the call for proposals closes.

      When the call for proposals has closed and proposal has been registered with Vinnova, a confirmation will be sent out by e-mail to you who are responsible for the user account, project manager and company signatory or head of department. It may take a few hours before you receive the email.

      If you have not received a confirmation by e-mail within 24 hours after the call for proposals has closed, please contact us.

      When the application period has expired, completion of proposalcan only take place at the request of Vinnova.

    How to apply

    To apply for funding, you need to log in and complete an application form in our eServices portal. The application form contains questions about your project, the participants taking part in the project and your budget. 

    Templates and attachments for your application

    Plesae download the templates you need to attach to your application such as a CV or project description. Below you can also find any attachments with useful information for your application.

    Please allow enough time

    Please keep in mind that it takes time to complete an application. Filling in the templates can take several days, since they're based on analyses you need to do. Therefore, start the application well in advance. You can start filling in your details, then save and continue at a later time.

    When you've completed your application, please mark it as done ("klar"). You can unlock and make changes to your application at any time until the call closes. If you unlock your application, you must mark it as done ("klarmarkera") if you want the application registered when the call closes. 

    This happens when the call for proposals is closed

    When your proposal has been registered, we email a confirmation to the person responsible for the user account as well as to the project manager and the signatory. This may take a few hours after the call for proposals closes. If you have not received a confirmation within 24 hours after the call for proposals closes, please contact us.

    When the call for proposals is closed, you cannot change or fill in any new information. Then you can only supplement your proposal if we ask for it.

    Who can read your proposal?

    Applications submitted to us become public documents. But we do not disclose information about the business, inventions or research results if it can be assumed that someone will suffer financial damage if the information is shown.

    This means that we must hand over the documents if someone requests them. But we keep confidential the information that we judge could mean financial damage if it is disclosed.

    This is how we handle public documents and confidentiality

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Yvonne Rosmark

    Innovairs programchef

    +46 70 376 02 44

    Johan Rignér

    Kontaktperson angående bedömningsprocessen, juridiska frågor och övriga frågor om utlysningens innehåll: Utlysningsansvarig på Vinnova

    +46 8 473 30 74

    Fredrik Olofsson

    Kontaktperson gällande projektsamarbeten, matchmaking frågor etc: Aerospace Cluster Sweden

    +46 73 823 99 00

    Victor Blom

    Kontaktpersoner arenor: Projektledare Hållbar Industri, Innovatum/PTC

    +46 79 062 21 02

    Kenneth Karlsson

    COO/Klusterledare, IMA

    +46 70 287 30 27

    Amir Hafad

    Administrativa frågor

    +46 8 473 32 54

    Fund­ed pro­jects

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