What is this offer about?
In this offer, we support projects that intend to create conditions for increased quantities of biobased products on the market. The projects should build on an idea that has already been validated in laboratory or small pilot scale. During the project, the process/technology shall be verified in a scale that companies consider relevant for decision on implementation in production scale. A techno-economic analysis and a market analysis shall be included that illuminate conditions for future technical and commercial competitiveness in the time perspective 2-3 years.
Projects in this call aim to give a basis for decision on upscaling or implementation that means reasonable risk for actors along the value chain. Projects shall target at least TRL 5-7.
To whom is the call directed?
The call is primarily directed to manufacturers/producers and technology suppliers. They are expected to take a leading role in the projects. The call will prioritize applications that clearly show that the project is of strategic importance for participating companies. Universities, university colleges, research institutes and other relevant actors are also included in the offer. Relevant research providers shall be engaged in the projects, and actors from later parts in the value chain are required for specification of market needs.
We encourage Swedish-Finnish cooperation projects, but the call is also open for purely Swedish projects. The project consortium must consist of at least three partners, of which at least two are companies. For cooperation projects, in which both Swedish and Finnish partners apply for funding, at least one partner must be a Swedish company and at least one partner must be a Finnish company. To be counted as two partners the Swedish and the Finnish companies cannot belong to the same group structure.
Cooperation Sweden-Finland
New bio-based products are targeted for global markets. For this call, a clear cooperation possibility between strong bioproduct and biomaterial competences and leading engineering knowledge in Sweden and Finland has been identified. This also means a cooperation between Vinnova and Business Finland in supporting joint projects with complementing activities in both countries.