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Strengthened Swedish aeronautical research and innovation - NFFP8: Call for proposals 2

Strengthened Swedish aeronautical research and innovation

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The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

Project which strengthens Swedish aeronautical research, development and innovation. Project may have a maximum duration of four years.

Who can apply?

The actor constellation must consist of at least two parties and be carried out in active collaboration between industry and one or more universities or research institutes. Only actors who are active in Sweden can receive funding.

How much can you apply for?

The call for proposals has a budget of approximately SEK 160 million and project can last during the period 2024-2028. A project must be co-financed with at least the same amount as the grant, and this co-financing must come from industry.

Important dates

  • Call text for the offer

    Tip: To create a PDF with all the information about the offer click Ctrl+P and select PDF to save the content.

    • A call for proposals within Aviation engineering research, NFFP

      NFFP is financed by Vinnova and the Swedish Armed Forces.

      Within aviation engineering research (NFFP), the opportunity is now offered to apply for funding for project that, through increased collaboration, research and innovation, contribute to strengthening the aviation industry's competitiveness and creating better conditions in the aeronautical engineering field.

      The term aeronautics is defined in the Nationella Strategiska Forsknings- and the Innovation Agenda (NRIA)

      The call's six focus areas are:

      • Model-based flight system development in all phases of development.
      • Holistic ability and Systems Engineering incl. system evaluation.
      • Aviation technology and vehicle systems.
      • Propulsion, power generation, energy management and integration.
      • Intelligent systems and sensors.
      • Integrated structure, material and production technology.

      The applicant themselves argue for the chosen focus area and its development needs.

      The call's budget includes approximately SEK 160 million.

      Project may have a duration of a maximum of four years. The actor constellation must consist of at least two parties and be carried out in active collaboration between industry and one or more universities or research institutes. Actors who can apply for funding must be active in Sweden and be able to contribute to NFFP's aims and the objectives of the call. This refers to companies that are Swedish legal entities, or foreign companies that have a branch or permanent establishment in Sweden and where the costs in the project are attributable to the branch or establishment.

      A project must be co-financed with at least the same amount as the grant, and this co-financing must come from industry. The project must contain clear research elements, i.e. lie between technology maturity level 1 4 (TRL 1-4).

      See definition of TRL

    • Today and in the decades to come, the aviation sector is facing very big challenges. Primarily, it is a climate-neutral air transport system that sets eligibility requirements for radically improved environmental performance of the technical systems. As a result of changes in our environment, next-generation military aircraft systems also require completely different capabilities than before. A well-functioning research program is therefore of fundamental importance for the Swedish aviation industry's opportunities to solve the future challenges that exist at a high level of technology and that require a national competence supply.

      Aviation engineering research (NFFP) is a government assignment that started in 1994. In May 2023, the eighth stage began. The mission's main aim is to, through increased cooperation, research, innovation and information dissemination, strengthen the Swedish aviation industry's competitiveness and create better conditions in the field of aeronautical technology. Funding is done jointly by Vinnova and the Armed Forces, with aim of promoting civil-military synergies within the Swedish innovation system.

      This call for proposals has a focus on aerospace technology and the overall aim is to contribute to:

      • Aeronautical research, development and innovation.
      • Build-up and continuation of focus areas where more competence is needed.
      • To strengthen competence development and secure national competence supply in the long term.
      • The competitiveness of the Swedish aviation industry.
      • Positioning of Swedish actors in international contexts.
      • New or deepened existing collaborations for increased cooperation and competence transfer between actors.
      • To contribute to ACARE's objective of a climate-neutral air transport system by 2050,
      • To contribute to Swedish defense capability and the need for new technology to meet future threats.

      In addition to this, the projects are expected to promote sustainable growth and community development in line with the Agenda 2030 goals.
      Read more about our work with the goals of Agenda 2030

      Project results must be made as freely available as possible to everyone and scientific publication must take place with open access.

    • The call for proposals is aimed at actors who can contribute to the call's overall aim, see section 2.

      The actor constellation must consist of at least two parties and be carried out in active collaboration between industry and one or more research institutes or universities. Only actors with a branch or place of business in Sweden can receive funding.

      Both large and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are encouraged to participate.

      User guidance on the definition of SME companies can be found here

      Against the background of the aim of ensuring the ability to provide national skills and employability, and in the event that a security check is necessary, each participant is responsible for the security check of the project's personnel.

      Please note that Vinnova cannot receive information classified as security protection and that such information must therefore not be included in proposal.

    • Activities for which funding can be applied for

      NFFP contributes to collaborations that connect industry, small and medium-sized enterprises, academia and research institutes. Something that is of great importance for Sweden to be at the forefront of the aeronautical field. To promote this further, the applicant themselves must argue for the chosen focus area and its development needs.

      The call for proposals finances aeronautical project within the following focus areas:

      • Model-based flight system development in all phases of development.
      • Holistic ability and Systems Engineering including system evaluation.
      • Aviation technology and vehicle systems.
      • Propulsion, power generation, energy management and integration.
      • Intelligent systems and sensors.
      • Integrated structure, material and production technology.

      The call for proposals does not fund project with a clear aeronautical focus.

    • Funding per project

      The call's budget includes approximately SEK 160 million. A project can last for a maximum of four years starting in June 2024 and be completed no later than 14 June 2028. A project must be co-financed with at least the same amount as the grant and this co-financing must come from industrial parties. In addition to this, all project parties need to comply with state aid rules.

      Read more about government support on our website

      Funding per party

      Funding for organizations that carry out economic activities is covered by rules on state support. The rules govern, among other things, which types of costs and what proportion of them may be covered by funding.

      Funding is granted with support of the regulation (2015:208) on state support for research and development and innovation (the "Support Regulation"), which in turn refers to the EU Commission Regulation No. 651/2014 on general block exemptions ("GBER"). In this call for proposals funding to companies will be given with support of § 9 of the Support Regulation, i.e. Article 25 of the GBER.

      The project's activities must fall within one of the support bases industrial research or experimental development.

      More information about our support bases and support levels can be found here

      Organizations that carry out non-economic activities can be granted funding that does not constitute state aid when they participate in their non-economic activities. Such funding can be provided with up to 100 percent of the organization's eligible costs and is granted with support of Section 5 of the Support Order.

      Each participant is responsible for ensuring that the received funding does not exceed the aid intensity that is permitted according to the rules for state support in the current support basis.

      Eligible costs

      Our funding takes place through funding. Funding for organizations that carry out economic activities is covered by rules on state support. The rules govern, among other things, which types of costs and what proportion of them may be covered by funding.

      For a cost to be eligible for support, it must be actual, auditable and incurred within the project period. Accounting for project costs must be distinguishable from the company's other transactions. This also applies to any parties who are not beneficiary.

      Which costs are eligible for support can be found in Instructions for eligible costs.

    • Conditions for us to try proposal

      We will only consider applications that meet the following formal eligibility requirements:

      • The project must not have started before proposal is submitted.
      • The project parties must be legal entities.
      • Proposal must be written in Swedish or English.
      • Coordinator for the project must be an actor with activities in Sweden.
      • Project description. A maximum of ten pages according to the template for the project application.
      • CV attachment according to template. See section 9. CVs are required for project manager and for key persons from the respective participant.
    • What do we assess?

      Assessment of received applications is based on the following assessment criteria:

      Potential (weighted 50 percent)
      • The project's potential to contribute to the call's overall objectives.
      • The quality and relevance of the project based on the chosen focus area.
      • The project's technology level related to the international research front.
      • The project's potential to disseminate/use the results.
      Feasibility (weighted 30 percent)
      • How realistic and reliable schedule and budget are judged to be in relation to the project's content.
      • How clear and appropriate the choice of method, approach and risk analysis is.
      • The participation and relevance of the specified project parties in the project's various work packages and activities.
      • How well equality aspects have been integrated into the project plan.
      Actors (weighted 20 percent)
      • Assessment of whether relevant actors are involved to a sufficient extent and appropriate time to realize the project's potential.
      • The competence and ability of the actors to implement the project and achieve the project goals with respect to the composition and competence of the project group.
      • How well the project team is composed with regard to gender distribution, including the distribution of power and influence between women and men.
      • Degree of commitment and participation of actors in the project.

      How do we judge?

      The assessment is based on proposal submitted to Vinnova via Vinnova's e-services. Proposal is assessed in competition with other received applications. Vinnova reserves the right to apply a portfolio perspective when selecting applications that are granted.

      Formalities review

      Vinnova carries out a formality review of the applications received, including checking that proposal is complete. See section 6 for more information.

      Independent investigation

      Each proposal is assessed by specially appointed experts. All evaluator are formally appointed by Vinnova. The experts assess the quality and relevance of the applications based on the aforementioned criteria and give an overall recommendation for funding or rejection.


      Vinnova makes a formal decision on rejection or grant, based on the recommendation from the evaluators.

    • About our decisions

      How much each party in the project is granted in funding is shown in the decision. The basis for support appears in the decision and also governs which costs are eligible for support. Our decision to grant or reject a proposal cannot be appealed.

      Term for granted funding

      For granted funding, Vinnova's general terms and conditions apply for funding. The terms contain, among other things, rules about project agreements, conditions for payment, follow-up, reporting and utilization of results.

      Current term can be found on our website, along with help to understand and comply with the terms

      Scientific publication must take place with open access in accordance with Vinnova's instructions.

      Supplementary special conditions can be decided for individual project.

      If you do not follow our term, you may be liable for a refund. This also applies if you have been granted funding incorrectly or with too high an amount.

    • This is how you apply

      To apply for funding, you fill in a web-based form in Vinnova's e-service for applications, which you can find via the button Apply here.

      There you also upload the following attachments:

      • Project description according to template. A maximum of ten pages with 11-point font size excluding cover page, summary, and table of contents.
      • CV attachment that contains relevant CVs for project manager and all key personnel. According to template.
      • The model declaration if a participant is a small or medium-sized company. Here you will find the template

      Keep in mind that it takes time to make a proposal. You can start filling in information, save and continue at a later time. When proposal is ready, you mark it as done. You can completely unlock proposal and make changes at any time, right up until the application deadline.

      Please mark proposal well in advance before the call for proposals closes.

      When the call for proposals has closed and proposal has been registered with Vinnova, a confirmation will be sent out by e-mail to you who are responsible for the user account, project manager and company signatory or head of department. It may take a few hours before you receive the email.

      If you have not received a confirmation by e-mail within 24 hours after the call for proposals has closed, please contact us.

      When the application period has expired, completion of proposalcan only take place upon request from us.

    How to apply

    To apply for funding, you need to log in and complete an application form in our eServices portal. The application form contains questions about your project, the participants taking part in the project and your budget. 

    Download document templates for your attachments

    Plesae download the templates for the documents you need to attach to your application such as a CV or project description.

    Projektbeskrivningsmall - Stärkt svensk flygteknisk forskning och innovation - NFFP8: Utlysning 2 (docx, 47 kB) CV-mall - Stärkt svensk flygteknisk forskning och innovation – NFFP8: Utlysning 2 (docx, 30 kB) Modellförsäkran - mall (pdf, 3320 kB)

    This happens when the call for proposals is closed

    When your proposal has been registered, we email a confirmation to the person responsible for the user account as well as to the project manager and the signatory. This may take a few hours after the call for proposals closes. If you have not received a confirmation within 24 hours after the call for proposals closes, please contact us.

    When the call for proposals is closed, you cannot change or fill in any new information. Then you can only supplement your proposal if we ask for it.

    Who can read your proposal?

    Applications submitted to us become public documents. But we do not disclose information about the business, inventions or research results if it can be assumed that someone will suffer financial damage if the information is shown.

    This means that we must hand over the documents if someone requests them. But we keep confidential the information that we judge could mean financial damage if it is disclosed.

    This is how we handle public documents and confidentiality

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Alma Jacobson

    Utlysningsansvarig och programledare NFFP

    +46 8 473 32 30

    Lena Dalsmyr


    +46 8 473 31 61

    Fund­ed pro­jects

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    Reference number 2023-04190