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Eureka call for proposals in applied quantum technologies

With national financiers from 15 countries, VINNOVA is conducting a joint Eureka call for proposals in applied quantum technology. The main purpose is to finance project which will further develop and surpass existing technologies and contribute to solving problems relevant to research, industry and society. This call for proposals covers but is not limited to areas such as quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum communication and quantum sensors.

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

R&D project in quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum communication and quantum sensors.

Who can apply?

Each project consortium must include at least one organization from Sweden and one organization from the other 14 countries. At least one Swedish company must be part of the consortium.

How much can you apply for?

SMEs can apply for up to 50%, large companies for 30% and universities and research institutes for up to 100% of eligible costs.

Important dates

  • Call text for the offer

    Tip: To create a PDF with all the information about the offer click Ctrl+P and select PDF to save the content.

    • Eureka is the world's largest public network for international collaboration in R&D and innovation, with a presence in over 45 countries. It is a decentralized intergovernmental organization that aims to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the participating countries' industry by financing international, market-driven collaborative projects in research and development.

      This call for proposals within the Eureka network project program is carried out in collaboration with participating national and regional funders. The national financiers from 15 countries have allocated funds for cooperation in international R&D project in the field of applied quantum technology.

      You can submit your R&D project proposal in this call for proposals between 1 February 2024 and 9 May 2024. Your project consortium must include organizations based in at least two of the participating countries in this call for proposals.

      Eureka programme: Network project

      Participating countries:

      • Austria
      • Singapore
      • Belgium (Wallonia)
      • South Korea
      • Denmark
      • Spain
      • Finland
      • Sweden
      • France
      • Switzerland
      • Germany
      • Turkey
      • Israel
      • UK
      • Lithuania
    • Subject areas

      Quantum technology includes many types of technologies from individual applications such as information processing, algorithms and the use of quantum computers for a variety of applications.

      The main objective of this call for proposals is to support organizations as they develop quantum technologies that surpass or accelerate existing technologies and contribute to solving problems relevant to industry, science and society.

      This call for proposals for R&D project covers the following subject areas but is not limited to:

      Quantum calculations

      In quantum computing, quantum information is processed digitally via logic gates similar to today's classic general purpose computers. The challenge lies in managing technology on many different levels: From different hardware modalities for quantum information processing, to algorithms and applications in different areas of use.

      The main objective is to develop quantum computers that outperform or help accelerate existing classical computers to solve specific problems relevant to industry, science and technology where the execution of quantum algorithms can be beneficial.

      Quantum simulation and stack levels

      There is a need for quantum simulation performed on quantum computing machines designed and optimized for particular purposes and applications.

      These quantum simulators are highly controllable devices that enable insights into the properties of complex quantum systems or solve specific computational problems inaccessible to classical computers.

      The projects are expected to identify applications in areas as diverse as quantum chemistry, nuclear power, physics, materials science, fluid machine logistics, routing and more general optimization.

      Soon available programmable devices and quantum simulators enable increased speed in machine learning, including quantum kernels and quantum classification systems.

      Quantum communication and cyber security

      The goal is to advance quantum communication and cyber security in three essential areas:

      1. Performance
        Increased bit rates, improved quantum state representation, link distances, distribution capabilities and robustness for all types of quantum communication.
      2. Integration
        Combine quantum communications with conventional network infrastructures and applications, security services, photonics and electronics platforms, and ensuring interoperability.
      3. Industrialization
        Realize technology that is sustainable and with a low manufacturing cost and develop applications with a clear cost-benefit advantage in several sectors that generate increased wealth and jobs.
      Quantum sensors and measurement technology

      Quantum sensors that enable the most accurate and most sensitive measurements in many different areas, increasing the performance of consumer products and services in, for example: medical diagnostics and imaging, high-precision navigation, Earth observation and surveillance.

      Quantum metrology is a prerequisite for successfully adapting quantum technologies to market needs with validation, certification and traceability implemented by independent experts.

      Your project should:

      • Demonstrate the potential to research or develop a product, process or service for commercialization.
    • Project in quantum technology can have a low TRL level and include both researchers, large companies and small and medium-sized companies, in order to achieve both a high scientific level and good market potential. Therefore, you are encouraged to include both research partners as well as industrial partners in your project consortium in order to be able to develop a project along the entire value chain, possibly also including end users.

      See the national conditions for each country in the call for proposals for specific information on funding of different categories of project parties.

      • 1 February 2024: The call for proposals opens
      • Early February 2024:Matchmaking event
      • 9 May 2024 at 16:00 CE(S)T: Eureka the call for proposals closes
      • June – October 2024: Eureka and national assessment processes
      • November – December 2024: Consultation between the participating countries on which project can be jointly financed. Approved project receive the Eureka label
      • December 2024 – April 2025: Consortium agreement drawn up and project started
    • Austria (FFG)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Tender budget: 1 million Euros

      • A maximum of 60 percent of eligible costs for small businesses.
      • A maximum of 50 percent of eligible costs to medium-sized companies.
      • A maximum of 40 percent for large companies.

      Belgium, Wallonia (SPW Recherche)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Call budget: Open budget

      Funding is granted in the form of a funding or a loan with repayment with a funding rate ranging from 40 to 100 percent of the budget for each participant from Wallonia. The type of funding and percentage depends on the type of partner, the composition of the consortium at regional and international level and whether your project is in the category of industrial research or experimental development.

      For more information

      Denmark (IFD)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Budget for the call for proposals: 3 million Euros

      IFD finances project with at least one Danish company. IFD can finance up to 650,000 euros (4.875 million DKK) of the project costs, including overhead costs for all Danish partners in a project, limited to a maximum of 500,000 euros (3.75 million DKK) per participant.

      Finland (Business Finland)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Call budget: Open budget

      There is no maximum budget limit for the projects, but each cost item in the project plan must be justified and the applicant must have the financial capacity to carry out the project.

      Different funding rules and funding levels apply to SMEs, medium-sized companies, large companies with a turnover of less than EUR 300 million and large companies and research organisations.

      If Finnish public research organizations are involved in a project that utilizes the national Co-Innovation funding, at least three Finnish companies must also participate. At least two are applying for funding from Business Finland.

      France (Bpifrance)

      Type of funding: Funding or loan

      Call budget: Open budget

      Bpifrance has two types of funding available for this call for proposals. French participants should contact Bpifrance before submitting their Eureka proposal to check eligibility and discuss customized financing solutions for the project. Please contact:

      Grant funding: France 2030 Coopérations Internationales pour des chains de valeurs quantiques résilientes

      • All types of participants (companies, laboratories) are eligible to apply.
      • The consortium must involve at least one French SME/midcap company, one French laboratory and at least one other participant from an Horisont Europa-medlemsland or associated country.
      • The project must involve complementary work to an existing project submitted to the Horisont Europa programme.
      • The minimum combined budget for all French participants is 1.5 million euros.
      • Funding between 40 and 80 percent of costs for private companies and up to 100 percent for academic partners.
      • Last application date: 21 May 2024, 12:00 CET. The national proposal must be submitted on Picxel platform.

      Loan or repayable advance: Aide à l'Innovation

      • Small and medium-sized companies and large companies with up to 2,000 employees are eligible. Academic partners can only join as a subcontractor or on a self-funded basis.
      • Funding with up to 80 percent of costs
      • Last application date: 21 May 2024. Proposal are submitted online at Bpifrance En Ligne.
      • If your project is considered Deeptech by Bpifrance, you may be eligible for an alternative funding system: Aide au Developpement Deeptech (mix between funding and repayable advance). Kontakta Bpifrance in advance to discuss this.

      Germany (BMBF)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Call budget: -

      Private sector companies must contribute appropriately to the costs, i.e. at least 20 percent of total costs or expenses for all German partners. Complete rules are defined in the call for proposals "Quantum international". The link to the document can be found in Eureka's call text.

      • Each project partner receives at least 100,000 euros in funding.
      • Private companies receive funding of up to 50 percent of the costs (plus 20 percent for small companies, 10 percent for medium-sized companies).
      • Universities, research and science institutions and similar organizations receive funding with 100 percent of the costs.

      Israel (Israel Innovation Authority)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Call budget: Open budget

      The support is in the form of conditional funding amounting to 55 or 66 percent of the eligible R&D budget. For universities, 90 percent of the eligible R&D budget can be covered.

      The contribution is exempt from royalties.

      More information is available on Vinnova's website.

      Academic institutions can participate in the call for proposals only if they conduct research in collaboration with a company, which must finance 10 percent of their budget. The institutions can participate as partners in project, not just as subcontractors.

      Lithuania (Research Council of Lithuania)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Budget for the call for proposals: 1.5 million Euro

      Eligible costs are:

      Personnel costs: wages, social security contributions, taxes and any additional payments to employees according to national law and benefit schemes paid by the company.

      • Subcontractors
      • Material
      • Travel expenses
      • Fixed assets
      • Indirect costs (overhead): 7 percent

      The funding rate can reach up to 100 percent for research institutions and up to 80 percent for industrial partners depending on their size and more.

      Singapore (Enterprise Singapore)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Call budget: Open budget

      A maximum of 70 percent of the eligible costs can be financed for small and medium-sized companies. Other companies can receive up to 50 percent of eligible project costs in funding. University colleges and research institutes can participate in the second- term project.

      Eligible project costs include labor (salary), software costs and more. Contact your national representative at Enterprise Singapore for more information.

      South Korea (KIAT)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Budget for the call for proposals: 1.0 million euros

      Organizations can receive funding of up to 500 million South Korean won (approximately 370,000 Euro) per year, and the project period should be up to 3 years.

      • Small and medium-sized enterprises can receive up to 67 percent of project costs.
      • Medium-sized companies can receive up to 50 percent of project costs.
      • Large companies receive up to 33 percent of project costs.
      • Universities and research organizations receive up to 100 percent of project costs.

      Spain (CDTI)

      Type of funding: Call for proposals for R&D project with convertible loans.

      Budget: Open budget

      CDTI will finance the eligible industrial research or technological development activities of Spanish companies (TRL levels: 4-6/7).

      Spanish partners can get a soft loan of up to 85 percent of the eligible costs (Euribor 1 year interest rate). Your project must have a minimum budget of 175,000 euros. There is no maximum budget.

      It is a long repayment period of 10 or 15 years, where 22.5 percent of the eligible costs do not need to be repaid.

      Universities and research centers can participate as subcontractors.
      More information

      Project activities may not start before the funding application has been submitted to CDTI. For more information, contact CDTI.

      Sweden (Vinnova)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Budget for the call for proposals: 0.44 million Euro.

      Swedish participants can apply for funding according to Vinnova's general terms and conditions for funding. The condition on project agreements in § 1.4, General terms and conditions is met when a consortium agreement has been signed by all parties in the international consortium. The Swedish project coordinator must confirm to Vinnova that the agreement has been signed by all parties.

      Information on term for funding and eligible costs

      The rules on state support apply to organizations that carry out economic activities. Funding will be granted with support of Section 9 of Regulation 2015:208 on state support for research, development and innovation. That is, as support for research and development projects according to Article 25 of the EU Commission Regulation No. 651/2014 (GBER).

      Here you will find the support regulation

      The following funding levels apply:

      • Small and medium-sized companies up to 50 percent of eligible costs.
      • Large companies up to 30 percent of the eligible costs.
      • Universities and research institutes up to 100 percent of the eligible costs.
      • Total funding from Vinnova is a maximum of 50 percent of the joint eligible costs for the Swedish project consortium up to a maximum amount of SEK 5 million, SEK (approximately 440,000 Euro).

      The total budget at Vinnova for this call for proposals is 5 million SEK (approximately 440,000 Euro).

      Switzerland (Innosuisse)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Budget for the call for proposals: 2–3 million Euros. Swiss participants can apply for funding.

      Startups and SMEs can receive up to 50 percent of eligible project costs.

      • Swiss startups that have not yet entered the market (same criteria as Innosuisse startup Innovation Projects) and only cooperate with foreign companies, can receive up to 70 percent of eligible project costs.
      • Large companies can receive up to 25 percent of eligible project costs.
      • Research institutions can receive up to 100 percent of the total eligible project costs.

      A total of 70 percent of the project costs for all Swiss partners can be covered by Innosuisse. Maximum funding per project is 500,000 euros.

      Turkey (TÜBİTAK)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Call for proposals: Open budget

      All companies established in accordance with Turkish law can apply for funding for their international project. There is no budget limit for international project and they can be financed by TÜBİTAK without any limitation in the length of the project. Only companies that participate in international project are financed within this programme, but universities and research centers can be financed as subcontractors. Turkish applicant must complete their national proposal within four weeks of the call closing.

      Companies receive a certain percentage of their eligible costs as funding in this call for proposals. There is no upper or lower limit for the project's budget. The proportion is 60 percent for large companies and 75 percent for small and medium-sized companies.

      For further information on funding of Turkish participants please contact TÜBİTAK directly. Detailed information is also available here

      Great Britain (Innovate UK)

      Type of funding: Funding

      Budget for the call for proposals: £ 2,000,000

      • Innovate UK's funding is £2,000,000 for UK companies.
      • Costs for subcontractors in the UK are limited to 20 percent of the eligible costs for the UK partner.
      • Overhead costs are limited to 25 percent of personnel costs.
      • The UK company must have at least 12 months trading history by the proposal deadline for the call for proposals.

      Guide to costs - Eligible costs for UK project parties

      If there is no available budget for your type of organization in your country and you want to participate in a project consortium, contact your national funder to see if there are other funding opportunities or talk to them about self-funding.

    • The project parties must meet the following qualifications:

      • Your project idea must represent international cooperation in the form of a specific project.
      • The project must be focused on research or development of an innovative product, process or service with commercialization as objective.
      • The project must have a civil aim
      • Your consortium must include at least two independent legal entities from at least two Eureka countries
      • No individual project participant or participating country can account for more than 70 percent of the total eligible costs in a joint project.

      This call for proposals has additional eligibility requirements that the project parties must meet:

      • The duration of the project must not exceed 36 months.
      • The projects are expected to start no later than March 2025.

      National funders in the call for proposals have additional eligibility requirements for organizations to be eligible for funding:

      Austria (FFG)

      All for-profit companies registered in Austria are eligible for funding, universities and research organizations can only be funded as subcontractors.

      Belgium, Wallonia (SPW Recherche)

      The research budget for the Walloon partner companies must correspond to at least 40 percent of the total research budget for all Walloon partners.

      The legal basis is the Walloon decree of 3 July 2008 on support for research, development and innovation in Wallonia.

      Denmark (IFD)

      IFD finances project with at least one Danish company. IFD can finance all types of partners. Specific instructions are available on Eureka's website.

      Finland (Business Finland)

      Business Finlands's general eligibility criteria and rules for funding are applied, including the criteria for co-innovation funding for research organizations ( Co-Innovation Funding).

      See national funding criteria

      France (Bpifrance)

      Check funding

      Germany (BMBF)

      For detailed national funding and formal qualification requirements, see the following application round:

      Specific instructions can be found in Eureka's call text.

      Israel (Israel Innovation Authority)

      Israeli companies and universities participating in project with TRL (technology readiness level) 2-5 are eligible for funding.

      Lithuania (Research Council of Lithuania)

      The Research Council of Lithuania finances project led by research institutions with at least one Lithuanian industrial partner. The call budget is up to 1.5 million euros. The project budget is up to 300,000 euros.

      Singapore (Enterprise Singapore)

      EnterpriseSG helps companies in Singapore grow and change through Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) Co-Innovation Programme. Co Innovation Programme helps Singapore-based companies and their foreign partners collaborate in R&D project that result in new products or solutions with strong market potential.

      EnterpriseSG has additional eligibility requirements on Singaporean project parties to be eligible for funding:

      • The project party must be a company registered and operating in Singapore.
      • The company must have at least 30 percent of the local shareholding.
      • The company must be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project.
      South Korea (KIAT)

      KIAT will support the industrial research or technological development conducted by Korean companies, universities and research institutions.

      The South Korean consortium must include at least one Korean private company. The company in the Korean consortium must have been operating for at least one year by the last application date, and the company must have a "corporate R&D center certification'" issued by the Korean government (Korea Industrial Technology Association).

      Eureka project can be submitted to KIAT's funding program for international technology cooperation that provides Eureka funding:

      Rules, procedures and other national criteria: link will be provided

      National project applications must be submitted online via KIAT- the call for proposals

      Spain (CDTI)

      Check funding

      Sweden (Vinnova)

      Vinnova finances project that have at least one Swedish industrial partner. Swedish small and medium-sized companies are also encouraged to participate.

      Vinnova's national call for proposals is aimed at companies, universities, research institutes or other actors in Sweden who want to collaborate with organizations in the participating Eureka countries. A participant seeking funding must be a Swedish legal entity. In this respect, a foreign organization with a branch or establishment in Sweden is equated with a Swedish legal person.

      Switzerland (Innosuisse)

      A Swiss company must be part of a project with a research organization or university participating in the consortium. The research organization or university does not have to be Swiss. An exception is a startup according to the funding criteria above.

      Turkey (TÜBİTAK)

      Only companies participating in international project are financed within this call for proposals, but universities and research centers can be financed as subcontractors.

      Great Britain (Innovate UK)

      Funding of up to £500,000 per project for businesses and research and technology organisations, which must include an SME and be business-led.

    • Eureka International Assessment Criteria:

      Your project application will be reviewed according to Eureka's evaluation methodology for network projects.


      1. Is the market addressed in the right way, for example the size of the market, the possibility of an impact on the market and risks in connection with implementation?
      2. Is value creation addressed in the right way, for example the creation of growth, employment opportunities and environmental and social benefits?
      3. What are the competitive advantages of your project, i.e. strategic importance, improved capacity and visibility?
      4. Are your commercialization plans clear and realistic, i.e. return on investments, geographic and sectoral impact and impact?

      Excellence (Excellence)

      1. What is the degree of innovation? That is, is the proposed product, process or service state-of-the-art? Is there sufficient technical maturity and risk?
      2. How will the new knowledge be used?
      3. Is your project scientifically and technically challenging for the consortium partners?
      4. Are technical feasibility and risks properly addressed?

      Quality and efficiency in implementation (Quality & Efficiency)

      1. What is the quality of your project consortium, i.e. the balance of the partnership and technical capacity, project management and financial capacity of each project partner?
      2. Is there an added value of international cooperation?
      3. Is your project management and planning realistic and clearly defined, i.e. methodology, planning, milestones and results?
      4. Is your project budget reasonable, i.e. costs and financial commitments for each consortium partner?

      Overall Perception

      1. Advantages and disadvantages of proposal
      2. Can the project be recommended for funding? (Yes or no)
    • Proposal

      1. Contact your national funder using the contact form on the Eureka website to discuss your project idea, your financial situation, formal eligibility requirements and the national application process.
      2. Create an account on Eureka's application portal, one per consortium, and select the call for proposals you wish to apply to.
      3. Go to the application portal, fill in an application form in English per consortium. Invite other partners in the project consortium to fill in a partner form.
      4. Upload a GANTT chart. One per consortium. A signed and completed Co-signature form that you can download from the Platform and any additional required attachments.
      5. Your proposal will be checked for completeness and formal eligibility requirements before being reviewed according to a standardized assessment process. If your project is approved, it will receive Eureka's quality mark, Eureka label.
      6. Your national financier can do an additional assessment at national level carried out by your national contact person for Eureka and national technical experts in accordance with national rules, before you are granted project funds.
      7. The final step is to draw up and sign a consortium agreement. We recommend that you seek legal advice when drawing up your consortium agreement.

      Vinnova is the national financier in Sweden. For detailed information on national rules and application processes, see the national rules by country and contact details below.

      Austria (FFG)

      In addition to the Eureka proposal Austrian participants must submit a separate national proposal to FFG General Programmes (Basisprogramm) via eCall on the FFG website.

      The national proposal must contain the Eureka project proposal and a national project proposal. The assessment of the national proposal is done by internal experts. Funding decisions for national applications submitted until May 16, 2024 will be published after the delegation meeting, Advisory Board Meeting, Beiratssitzung, on September 5, 2024.

      The project must meet the national criteria, "Basisprogramm-Leitfaden" . Detailed information on national rules and procedures

      Michael Walch, Eureka NPC

      Belgium, Wallonia (SPW Recherche)

      Applicant in Wallonia (Belgium) must submit their regional proposal in French to SPW Research via the ONTIME portal,before 9 May 2024 at 16:00 Brussels local time.

      Fabrice QUERTAIN

      Julie JASMES

      Denmark (IFD)

      Each Danish participant will receive an invitation to register in the national e-grant system and upload their Eureka application form, including national declarations and a table of their financial capacity. The invitation is normally sent within four weeks after the last application date.

      Thorbjorn Moth Gilberg

      Finland (Business Finland)

      The Finnish applicants must submit their national funding applications in the Business Finlands web service. A joint project plan for the entire international consortium must also be submitted for these applications.

      The national funding applications are expected to be submitted at the same time as the international Eureka applications, i.e. before 9 May 2024. The Finnish applicants will be informed in detail about the timetable and deadlines for their national funding application. In order for the applications to be processed smoothly, Finnish applicant should contact Business Finland at the earliest possible stage. The names of the contact persons are:

      Outi Keski-Äijö

      Hanna Rinta-Erkkilä

      France (Bpifrance)

      Each French participant must contact Bpifrance in advance to discuss their project and check eligibility for the available national funding systems. It is mandatory to contact the international team and the regional administrator (Charge d'Affaires Innovation). If you do not have a regional contact, the international team will provide a contact.

      To maximize the chances of success, eligible French participants can use the 'Diagnostic Partenariat Technologique International' tool to prepare their proposal together with an expert consultant (finding partners, consortium agreement, application process and writing, etc.). 50 percent of this consulting service will be financed by Bpifrance.


      Germany (BMBF)

      The granted project are invited to submit a complete proposal in accordance with the national guidelines. Specific instructions are available here: Specific instructions are available on Eureka's website.

      Additional documents are only required after a positive evaluation as part of the full proposal.

      Dr. Claudius Klein Klein

      Dr. Bastian Hiltscher

      German Eureka Office

      Israel (Israel Innovation Authority)

      I Israel, the Israeli partner must submit the national application form in accordance with Israel Innovation Authority's regulations, via an online system. Israeli evaluations and funding decisions are expected in Q3 2024.

      Mr. Uzi Bar-Sadeh

      Lithuania (Research Council of Lithuania)

      Each Lithuanian participant will be invited to register in the national e-grant system and asked to upload a pdf of Eureka proposal including national declarations and financial viability documents and more. The Research Council of Lithuania uses the international proposal as the basis for the national evaluation.

      Justina Ruksnaite

      Singapore (Enterprise Singapore)

      Applicant from Singapore must prepare the following document:

      • Senaste ACRA's business profile retrieved within six months from the application date.
      • The applicant's latest and previous two years' audited financial statements, company and group level, or official management account.
      • Completed application form at Business Grant Portal including the form for the supplementary project proposal found here
      • Relevant references.

      Singaporean participants must submit their applications, including all the above documents, by the deadline. Please note that the link 'Business Grant Portal' can only be generated manually. We recommend that you contact EnterpriseSG at least two weeks before the last application date to ensure that you have enough time to complete the form.

      It can take around 3-6 months to evaluate the results from the time you have submitted the form in Business Grant Portal

      Koe Zi Yan

      South Korea (KIAT)

      The national proposal must contain the Eureka project application and a national project application. See the national the call text for the supplementary document.

      National project applications must be submitted online via KIAT- the call for proposals

      Youngji Tak; Honglae Cho;

      Spain (CDTI)

      Spanish participants must submit a formal proposal for international R&D project support via the CDTI website by the last application date. Inklusive Eureka-ansökan in English and a draft consortium agreement. It is optional at this stage, but a signed consortium agreement must be signed and provided afterwards.

      Additional documents in Spanish, with detailed information about the Spanish participants, may be requested depending on the type of funding the company is applying for. If proposal is not submitted by the last application date, the international project may be rejected.

      CDTI will check the eligibility of the Spanish participants after receiving the international proposal. If eligible, CDTI will send funding applications to each Spanish company. These funding applications must be completed and submitted, complete information in Spanish must be attached to the funding application. The deadline for responding is approximately one month after the last application date. If the funding applications are not submitted on time, the international project may be rejected.

      Agnes Moreus

      Sweden (Vinnova)

      Swedish participants seeking funding from Vinnova are recommended to contact one of Vinnova's contact persons before submitting the national proposal.

      In addition to proposal submitted via Eureka's application portal, Swedish participants need to apply on Vinnova's website. The national the call for proposals opens on February 1, 2023.

      The international project consortium's complete Eureka application form, including all partner forms, project budget and Gantt chart of work packages must be submitted as project description in the national proposal to Vinnova.

      Ett CV for the Swedish project coordinator must also be attached as Appendix 1 to proposal.

      Vinnova realizes that gender equality is one of our most powerful tools for reaching the goals of Agenda 2030. Many problems or social challenges, solutions and effects may appear to be gender neutral, but turn out to affect women and men in different ways. Through research and innovation that takes into account a gender perspective, which includes the needs, conditions and behaviors of both women and men, the value and relevance of the project results can increase.

      In proposal to Vinnova, participants must answer the question "Are there equality aspects, gender or gender perspectives, which may be important to take into account in connection with the project's problem area, solutions and effects?" This will be assessed as part of the Impact or impact and the criteria "Is the value creation addressed correctly" and "Is the value creation managed correctly". See section " Assessment".

      Swedish participants must, as Appendix 2 Equality plan and equality integration, describe their plan for gender equality and fill in the table Compilation of gender distribution for the Swedish part of the project:

      • number of men and women working in the project (in percent).
      • share of work (hours) performed by men and women (in percent).
      • proportion of men and women in decision-making positions in the project (in percent).

      If the project is not currently equivalent (40/60), participants must justify why and describe how they will work to achieve the goal. This will be assessed as part of Quality and efficiency in implementation and the criterion "What is the quality of your consortium". See section " Assessment".

      Mandatory attachments:

      • Project description. Complete Eureka proposal in English pdf format. There is no page limit.
      • Appendix 1: Projektledarens CV. Use Vinnova's template, maximum 1 A4 page.
      • Appendix 2: Equality plan and equality integration. Use Vinnova's template, maximum 2 A4 pages.

      Swedish applicant must submit their national proposal on Vinnova's websitebefore May 16, 2024, at 14:00 CET, Swedish time.

      Peter Lindberg

      Jeannette Dybukt

      Switzerland (Innosuisse)

      In addition to the Eureka proposal, Swiss participants must apply via the Innosuisse platform

      SMEs and startups must submit the annual report for the last two years, per partner, as an attachment to the full proposal. Startups without annual accounts submit a business plan.

      All project participants must enter into a consortium agreement. The consortium agreement must contain the participants' mutual commitments, term regarding rights to foreground and background information and other matters of importance for the collaboration. The participants must have entered into the Consortium Agreement before the start of the project.
      Therefore, a draft consortium agreement must be submitted

      Colette John-Gran

      Turkey (TÖBiTAK)

      Participants must submit a formal national proposal in Turkish via the TUBiTAK TEYDEB website by June 6, 2024, including the Eureka application form in English.

      Emine Elif Ocako or Umut Ege

      Great Britain (Innovate UK)

      Submit the mandatory Innovate UK-ansökan at Innovation Funding Service together with the supporting documentation set out in the applicant guidance no later than 8 May 2024 at 11:00 GMT (UK time).

      Ben Morris or Teresa Arumardi

    How to apply

    To apply for funding, you need to log in and complete an application form in our eServices portal. The application form contains questions about your project, the participants taking part in the project and your budget. 

    Download document templates for your attachments

    Plesae download the templates for the documents you need to attach to your application such as a CV or project description.

    CV-mall (docx, 44 kB) Jämställdhetsplan (docx, 33 kB)

    This happens when the call for proposals is closed

    When your proposal has been registered, we email a confirmation to the person responsible for the user account as well as to the project manager and the signatory. This may take a few hours after the call for proposals closes. If you have not received a confirmation within 24 hours after the call for proposals closes, please contact us.

    When the call for proposals is closed, you cannot change or fill in any new information. Then you can only supplement your proposal if we ask for it.

    Who can read your proposal?

    Applications submitted to us become public documents. But we do not disclose information about the business, inventions or research results if it can be assumed that someone will suffer financial damage if the information is shown.

    This means that we must hand over the documents if someone requests them. But we keep confidential the information that we judge could mean financial damage if it is disclosed.

    This is how we handle public documents and confidentiality

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Peter Lindberg


    + 46 8 473 31 93

    Birgitta Ossman

    Administrativa frågor

    + 46 8 473 32 83

    Jeannette Dypbukt


    +46 8 473 32 52

    Fund­ed pro­jects

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    Reference number 2023-04168