Smart Built Environment: Digital built environment in practice
Apply for funding for research and innovation projects that contribute to a more resource-efficient, sustainable built environment by leveraging the opportunities of digitalisation. You can apply for SEK 500,000 to SEK 4 million. This call aims to make a contribution to the sustainable development of our built environment. It will fund projects that mainly use digitalisation as a tool for increased sustainability in spatial planning, in terms of processes and process results as well as the built environment itself. Applications can address processes, forms of collaboration, business models, technology or a combination of these. The purpose of the call is to accelerate digital transformation through activities that involve stakeholders across the value chain, from planning to the long-term management of the built environment.
The offer in brief
What can you apply for?
Who can apply?
How much can you apply for?
Important dates
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Prisma IT-support
Lisa Larsson
Forskningssekreterare, Avdelning Avdelningen för Samhällsbyggande
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Reference number 2024-03926