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Our e-services for applications, projects and assessments close on Thursday 30 January at 4:30pm because of system upgrades. We expect to open them again on Friday 31 January at 8am the latest.

Research in interaction for transition to sustainable societies

This call offers funding for research projects that result in prescriptive guidelines and knowledge for the development and design of transformative innovation policy. Addressing society´s major challenges and needs for sustainability transitions, transformative innovation policy strives to create incentives for different actors to jointly drive development and change towards ambitious goals. In this call, research projects should be based on themes that are relevant to both scientific merit, as well as to challenges in the practical implementation of transformative innovation policy. The projects should contribute to relevant support for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of such policy. In order for research to succeed in this, Vinnova believes it is important with interdisciplinary teams that possess good knowledge in user-centered methods, as well as in the theory and practice of societal change and innovation policy. Vinnova therefore welcomes applications in which researchers in the Social sciences, Design, Humanities, Economics, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, collaborate with practitioners within policy, the public sector, the business sector and civil society.

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

Interdisciplinary research projects carried out in close collaboration with people working or intending to work on the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of transformative innovation policy

Who can apply?

Universities and university colleges, private companies, public organizations and civil society organizations

How much can you apply for?

The project can apply for between SEK 500,000-2,000,000

Important dates

In this call we assess incoming applications on a number of occasions.That's why we've divided this call into several application periods. This means that if you submit your application before the last day of one of these application periods, you can have it assessed close to that date. But you can submit your application at any time until the very last application date. In the timeline you can see the next application period.

  • Call text for the offer

    Tip: To create a PDF with all the information about the offer click Ctrl+P and select PDF to save the content.

    • A call for proposals within Vinnova's programme for System Innovation Research

      In order to meet today's complex societal challenges, new ways of understanding and driving the interaction between economic, social and environmental development are required. Many of the challenges are so extensive and urgent that a thorough restructuring of society-supporting systems is required to solve them.

      Vinnova's programme for System Innovation Research aims to develop knowledge about the role of innovation policy in the transition to sustainable societies. In this the call for proposals funding is offered for research projects that result in normative guidelines and knowledge base for the design of so-called transformative innovation policy.

      Transformative innovation policy can be described as an approach to promote innovation that contributes to the transition to sustainable societies. The focus is on innovation that drives system change, aim to address complex challenges and objectives linked to sustainability. Based on this point of view, innovation-promoting efforts need to target both technological development and changes in behaviour, organization and legislation. This type of innovation requires collaborations beyond traditional sectors and industries, and broad inclusion of different groups and perspectives.

      The research projects funded through this call for proposals must contribute to relevant support for the design, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of transformative innovation policy. In order to succeed in this, Vinnova believes that cross-disciplinary teams, user-centered methods and a good understanding of both theory and practice regarding social change and innovation policyare required. Vinnova therefore welcomes project where researchers in social sciences, design, humanities, economics, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship collaborate with practitioners in policy, public activities, business and civil society.

      Applicant actors can come from universities and university college, private companies, public organizations and civil society organizations.

      Project can apply for between SEK 500,000 and SEK 2,000,000.

    • Vinnova is tasked with promoting sustainable growth and community development. Genom Agenda 2030, the countries of the world have agreed on a global agreement and understanding of what characterizes sustainable development. Through our efforts, we contribute to the global commitment to reach the goals.

      Vinnova's programme for System Innovation Research aims to develop knowledge about the role of innovation policy in the transition to sustainable societies. The focus is on how transition processes arise and develop, and what types of measures are needed to drive them.

      More specifically, the program aims to make visible how innovation can be used to transform the way we design, develop, produce and consume goods and services. This also includes the development of knowledge about how "harmful" technologies, products, practices and policies can be phased out to create space for sustainable alternatives. The overall objective of the program is that the results of the research are put into practice and thereby play an active role in the transition to sustainable societies.

      Based on insights and experiences from previous initiatives, Vinnova decided in 2023 to finance a national interaction platform in the field of knowledge around the transformation of systems and societies. The platform called SIRI, Swedish platform for System Innovation Research in Interaction, is under construction and coordinated by CIRCLE at Lund University.

      Read more here and feel free to contact them

      In parallel, Vinnova offers funding for research projects with cross-disciplinary teams that carry out the research in close collaboration with practitioners in policy and community development. In this the call for proposals applications for such project are requested.

      The research projects that are financed through this call for proposals must result in normative guidelines and knowledge base for the design of transformative innovation policy. The projects must be based on themes that are relevant both for meritorious researchand for challenges in the practical implementation of transformative innovation policy. The projects must result in relevant support for the design, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of such policy. For description of transformative innovation policy, see previous section.

      Vinnova believes that this type of research requires cross-disciplinary teams, user-centered methods and a good understanding of both theory and practice around social change and innovation policy. Vinnova therefore welcomes project where researchers in social sciences, design, humanities, economics, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship collaborate with practitioners in policy, public activities, business and civil society.

      The research projects that are funded are also expected to contribute to, and make use of, the funded interaction platform for communication and interaction with other researchers and related project. The platform should also be used to disseminate and utilize insights and results. To get in touch with the platform, contact responsible coordinators Magnus Nilsson and Mart Laatsit. Their email addresses are: and

      Results from research and innovation that are made freely available increase the opportunity for more people to contribute to solutions to societal challenges. As in all of Vinnova's ventures, this the call for proposals should contribute to making more results freely available to everyone. Therefore, all scientific publication must be open access.

      Agenda 2030 and gender equality

      In Inom Agenda 2030, Vinnova has particularly singled out climate and gender equality as two central sustainability perspectives to which our funded investments should contribute positively. Project financed by Vinnova are thus expected to take special account of the climate and gender equality aspects.

      An aspect that Vinnova follows up and assesses is whether both women and men share in the grant in an equal way, participate in and have influence over the project

      Another aspect involves analyzing and deciding whether there are gender or gender aspects that are relevant in relation to the project's problem area, solutions and utilization. This question is mandatory for all applicant and can be found under the heading " Project tasks". In this call for proposals the question is the basis for assessment under the potential criterion.

      Read more about our work to contribute to the goals of Agenda 2030

      Read more about what our work for equal innovation means for those of you who seek funding from us

    • In this the call for proposals Vinnova welcomes project with interdisciplinary teams of researchers. The research projects must be carried out in close collaboration with practitioners who work with, or intend to work with, the design, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of transformative innovation policy. Applicant can come from universities and university college, private companies, public organizations and civil society organizations.

      Applicant teams must represent relevant research disciplines to address transition to sustainable societies with the help of innovation. Researchers can work in, for example, social sciences, design, humanities, economics, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

      As Vinnova sees a need research that is based on user-centered methods and contributes to the practical design of transformative innovation policy, it is advantageous to have a project team that has knowledge of strategic design and communication. Depending on the focus area, it is also meritorious with new project constellations, consisting of organizations or faculties that have not previously collaborated in the relevant field. Vinnova believes that a breadth of perspectives on societal challenges and innovation is required in order to develop relevant knowledge about the role of innovation policy in transitioning to sustainable societies.

      The results of the research should lead to relevant support for the design, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of transformative innovation policy. Interaction and collaboration with recipients of the research results is therefore of central importance for the assessment of the research projects' relevance and potential.

      In exploratory project where new knowledge, theory, models and processes for transformative innovation policy are developed, the applicant must clearly state how and with whom validation and verification of problems, needs and research results will take place.

      In research projects where existing research results are to be applied, relevant practices within policy or social development must be included in the project as active participants. Active participation means funding the project through funding or working hours.

    • Activities for which funding can be applied for

      The projects can be of different lengths and involve different types of organizations depending on the theme and research question. The projects may be implemented during the period June 2024 up to and including December 2025.

      To make it clear what type of research project it may be, some examples are listed here:

      • Study successful or unsuccessful transformative efforts to learn lessons about how the design and implementation of future similar efforts should be carried out.
      • Ongoing analysis or follow-up of ongoing efforts to provide a basis for development and improvement of ongoing and future efforts.
      • Development of new innovative models and methods in policy development.
      • Application and follow-up of new innovative models and methods in policy development.
      • Future scenario studies based on implemented, planned or hypothetical changes to institutional conditions, for example regulations or legislation.

      Listed below are also examples of questions and themes, within which Vinnova sees a need for knowledge development. These should be seen as overall ideas and do not constitute a list of requirements or a comprehensive definition of suitable focus areas within the current the call for proposals.

      • Understanding of citizens' non-acceptance and acceptance of transition processes to sustainable societies.
      • Approach to how harmful technologies, products, practices, policies, power relations in society must or can be phased out.
      • How innovation policy can use the demand side to drive social development and transform markets. For example, through innovation procurement, regulations and taxes.
      • How policy development should be designed and implemented given the uncertainty surrounding which solutions will be successful and scalable.
      • Development or change in regulations and other institutional changes that drive value propositions and business models to take into account the "real" price of the exploitation of the planet's resources and assets. For example by including the impact on CO2 emissions, biodiversity, consumption of limited natural resources and so on.
      • How innovation policy can and should interact with other types of policy areas in the transition to sustainable societies.

      Clarification of what is not funded through this offer:

      • Full-scale positions as PhD student or postdoctoral fellow.
      • Activities that completely overlap with the activities planned by the funded interaction platform for research on system change.
    • Our funding is covered by rules on government support. The rules govern both what kind of costs and what proportion of the costs we can finance. This is determined for each organization individually. We therefore distinguish between how much funding the project can receive, and how much each participating participant can receive

      How much funding can the project receive?

      Project can apply for between 500,000 - 2,000,000 kroner in funding from Vinnova. Funds must be sought for the activities that the project intends to carry out. This means that the projects will differ in terms of budget. It is possible to be coordinator for several project with different purposes, as well as to participate as participant in several project.

      How much funding can a participant receive?

      How much funding each participating participant can receive depends mainly on:

      • which activities the party will carry out in the project
      • party size and activities

      In this the call for proposals we provide support for industrial research and feasibility studies.

      Industrial research can be simply described as seeking new knowledge through planned research or critical analysis in order to develop or significantly improve products, processes or services.

      Feasibility studies can be simply described as an evaluation and analysis of:

      • strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks in an upcoming research and development project.
      • what resources are required to implement the project.
      • how likely it is that the project will succeed.

      For a complete definition, see Support bases and support levels for funding on this page

      What percentage of the costs we can finance - that is, the maximum level of support - depends on the size of the organization and the type of activity.

      Maximum aid intensity per actor and activity

      Small business
      • Industrial research: Aid intensity 70 percent

        If the project includes actual collaboration or dissemination of results, or meets another bonus basis, the support level is 80 percent.

        - By actual cooperation is meant a certain level of cooperation between small and large companies, between companies in two different European countries or between research organizations and companies.

        - Dissemination of results means extensive dissemination through, for example
        conferences or open databases.

        For full information on these bonus bases, see Support bases and support levels for funding
      • Feasibility studies: Aid intensity 70 percent

      Medium-sized company
      • Industrial research: Aid intensity 60 percent. If the project includes any of the bonus bases stated above, the support level is 75 percent.
      • Feasibility studies: aid intensity 60 percent.

      Big company
      • Industrial research: Aid intensity 50 percent. If the project includes any of the bonus bases stated above, the support level is 65 percent.
      • Feasibility studies: aid intensity 50 percent.

      We grant funding in accordance with Article 25 of the European Commission's General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER).

      In this the call for proposals we can also provide support of minor importance, also called de minimis support. We can finance up to 100 percent of a project party's costs.

      An organization can receive a maximum of 300,000 euros over a three-year period in this form of support, regardless of funder and project. This means that if the same organization has received support of less importance in other project from other funders, it affects how big the support can be in this the call for proposals.

      To be granted this support, you need to submit a certificate of de-minimum support when you submit proposal.

      Under the heading Support of minor importance, you will find a link to the minims certificate

      We grant funding in accordance with the EU Commission Regulation (2023/2831) on support of minor importance.

      In this the call for proposals we also provide support to organizations that do not conduct economic activities. This generally includes universities and university colleges, research institutes and other organizations that do not offer a service or product on a market.

      We can finance up to 100 percent of such organizations' costs.

      How do you determine whether an organization carries out economic activities?

      An organization that offers any kind of service or product on a market is considered to be conducting economic activities and cannot be granted this form of support. It does not matter how the organization is financed, whether it is public or private, or whether it has a profit motive. It also does not matter what legal form the business takes - that is, whether it is a limited liability company, a trading company, an economic association, a non-profit association or a foundation.

      If you are unsure whether an organization in your project carries out financial activities, contact call manager. However, the organization itself is responsible for assessing whether it carries out economic activities.

    • Conditions for us to assess proposal

      We will only assess applications that meet the following formal eligibility requirements:

      • Project parties and beneficiary are legal entities. A sole proprietorship is not a legal entity.
      • Proposal is written in Swedish or English.
      • The project description must be written in the template available for download on the call page.

      In addition, Vinnova has two further instructions. These are only recommendations and do not constitute formal eligibility requirements:

      • As the assessment process will be carried out in English, Vinnova recommends that proposal be written in English, both in Vinnova's e-service and in the appendices to be attached to proposal. If proposal is written in Swedish, it will be machine translated into English for the international the evaluators.
      • Description of the project in the appendix "Project description" should not exceed 10 pages of written text, 12 points.

      Please note that listed formal eligibility requirements and instructions may be adjusted and supplemented during the course of the call, and thus differ between different closing occasions.

    • What do we assess?

      Applications that meet the formal requirements are assessed with regard to relevance, potential, implementation and actors based on the criteria below.

      • Is the theme or problem that the project focuses on relevant to the design, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of transformative innovation policy?
      • Does the project meet the requirement for cross-disciplinary research linked to transformative innovation policy?
      • Is the project sufficiently anchored and connected to the practices in policy and social development that need the research results?
      • The project's potential to generate knowledge that is in demand and useful for both research and practice in the relevant field.
      • The project's potential to develop and renew the research area through new cross-disciplinary research of importance for transformative innovation policy.
      • The project's potential to generate research results that can be put into practice to accelerate the transition to sustainable societies.
      • The project's potential to contribute positively to increased gender equality and processes for transition to sustainable societies and thus the global goals in Agenda 2030.
      • The composition of the project team regarding organizations, research disciplines and areas of knowledge relevant to the project's focus area and aim.
      • The project team's involvement of practitioners who work with, or intend to work with, design, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of transformative innovation policy.
      • The project team's ambitions and plans to translate the research into practical application.
      • The composition of the project team regarding gender distribution and distribution of power and influence between women and men.
      • That the project's implementation plan is credible and realistic given limited access to time and budget.
      • That it is clear from the implementation plan how practitioners within policy or community development are to be involved in the work, as well as how the project intends to validate its results against policy or society.
      • That the project has appropriate methods to follow up designated objective and planned activities, as well as to adjust the implementation based on the learning that occurs.
      • That the project clearly demonstrates ambition, commitment and approach to making use of the results in relevant contexts and for relevant target groups, within both academia and practice. Beneficiation can take place individually or in collaboration with the funded interaction platform.
      • How well equality aspects have been integrated into the implementation.

      How do we judge?

      Applications received that meet the formal requirements are evaluated in competition by internal and external evaluator. The applications are assessed according to the assessment criteria listed in section 7.

      Based on the results of the individually performed assessments and the assessors' recommendations, Vinnova makes decisions about which project are to be financed. Vinnova reserves the right to apply a portfolio perspective when selecting applications that are granted.

      The decision is communicated to applicant approximately 5 weeks after the respective closing date.

    • About our decisions

      How much each party in the project is granted in funding is shown in the decision. Funding will be granted with support from one of the support bases described in section 4. The support base appears in the decision and also governs which costs are eligible for support.

      Our decision to grant or reject a proposal cannot be appealed.

      Term for granted funding

      For granted funding our general terms and conditions for fundingapply. The terms contain, among other things, rules on project agreements, conditions for payment, follow-up, reporting and utilization of results. Scientific publication must take place with open access in accordance with Vinnova's instructions.

      Supplementary special conditions can be decided for individual project.
      If you do not comply with our term you may be liable for a refund. This also applies if you have been granted funding incorrectly or with too high an amount.

    • To apply for funding, you fill in a web-based form in Vinnova's e-service for applications, which you can find via the button Apply here.

      Please note that the assessment process will be conducted in English as some of the evaluators do not understand Swedish. The applications that are written in Swedish, both in the web-based form and in the requested attachments, will be machine translated into English.
      I Vinnovas e-service you upload the following attachments:

      • Project description
      • Resume
      To know when you apply

      Current term for applying for funding can be found on our website, along with help to understand and fulfill the terms

      Remember that it takes time to make a proposal. You can start filling in information, save and continue at a later time. When proposal is ready, you mark it as done. You can fully unlock proposal and make changes at any time, right up until the last application date.

      Mark proposal ready in good time before the call for proposals closes.

      When the call for proposals has closed and proposal has been registered with Vinnova, a confirmation will be sent out by e-mail to you who are responsible for the user account, project manager and company signatory or head of department. It may take a few hours before you receive the email.

      If you have not received a confirmation by e-mail within 24 hours after the call for proposals has closed, please contact us.

      When the application period has expired, proposalcan only be supplemented byupon request from Vinnova.

    How to apply

    To apply for funding, you need to log in and complete an application form in our eServices portal. The application form contains questions about your project, the participants taking part in the project and your budget. 

    Templates and attachments for your application

    Plesae download the templates you need to attach to your application such as a CV or project description. Below you can also find any attachments with useful information for your application.

    Mall för CV (docx, 39 kB) Mall för CV, ENG (docx, 42 kB) Mall för projektbeskrivning (docx, 58 kB) Mall för projektbeskrivning, ENG (docx, 56 kB)

    Who can read your proposal?

    Applications submitted to us become public documents. But we do not disclose information about the business, inventions or research results if it can be assumed that someone will suffer financial damage if the information is shown.

    This means that we must hand over the documents if someone requests them. But we keep confidential the information that we judge could mean financial damage if it is disclosed.

    This is how we handle public documents and confidentiality

    Any questions?

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

    Josefin Lundström


    +46 8 473 32 19

    Jenny Sjöblom


    +46 8 473 31 35

    Jenny Johansson

    Administrativa frågor

    +46 8 473 30 13

    Fund­ed pro­jects

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