What is the offer about?
The aim of this call for proposal is to increase the number of researchers with a doctoral degree who have knowledge of neutron and synchrotron-based techniques and how they can be used in industry. In addition to an increased competence base, another expected effect is that the new networks within and between academia, institutes and companies contribute to a strengthened ability to utilize these technologies.
Project proposals should address an industrial application. The industrial relevance shall be verified by a Letter of Support from a Swedish company.
The project plan should include an experiment at MAX IV or any international large-scale research infrastructure for neutron or synchrotron based techniques.
Does the offer fit your project ?
The offer is aimed at doctoral students who does not yet have experience of using these advanced techniques.
- The Project proposal should be based on and complement an already ongoing and financed doctoral project.
- We do not intend to finance a project that further strengthens a doctoral student or supervisor who already has the capacity to use these advanced analysis techniques and experimental environments.
- Projects should be planned and implemented in close collaboration with expertise in the current neutron or synchrotron-based technology.
- Each individual doctoral student may only be included in one project proposal.