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Key Digital Technologies JU - European collaborative projects in electronic components and systems - Call 2022

Key Digital Technologies JU is a so-called institutionalized partnership program, an Joint Undertaking, where funding comes from the European Commission via Horisont Europa, funding authorities in participating countries and participating organizations. Within Key Digital Technologies JU, Vinnova finances project with actors along the entire value chain within electronic components and systems, with both software and hardware focus to contribute to sustainable digital transformation. Areas of application can be industrial production, the automotive sector, energy and 5G / 6G.

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

For participation in international collaborative projects focusing on electronic components and systems.

Who can apply?

Swedish companies that meet Vinnova´s eligibility requirements as well as universities and research institutes. Vinnova requires participation from Swedish companies corresponding to at least 50 percent of the Swedish project budget.

How much can you apply for?

The Swedish consortium can apply for a maximum of 2,000,000 EUR in support from Vinnova for a project. The European Commission supports the projects with corresponding amounts. Vinnova´s budget for Call 2022 is 48.5 millions SEK.

Important dates

What is the offer about?

Every year, KDT JU has two different calls, RIA (Research and Innovation Action) and IA (Innovation Action)). Both are of a bottom-up nature in line with the current Strategiska Reasearch Agendan for ECS (Electronic Components and Systems).

There will also be announcements with special focus areas (Focus topics) with a dedicated budget.

that's how it goes

The application process takes place in several steps as described below. The content of the project proposals is evaluated by international experts and in parallel, Vinnova evaluates the participating Swedish organizations against Vinnova's national rules.

  1. First, the entire international consortium submits a complete proposal to Key Digital Technologies JU. Proposal is assessed by international experts.
  2. In connection with the international evaluation of the complete proposal, Vinnova also conducts a review of the Swedish consortium with regard to the national rules. If this is not met, individual project participants or all Swedish participants can be denied funding from Vinnova.
  3. Then a ranking of the projects is made based on the technical evaluation and the priorities of the participating countries. Based on this ranking, decisions are then made within Key Digital Technologies JU, where Vinnova is part of Abbot project on which projects will receive funding.
  4. The Swedish consortium that is part of a project application selected for funding within Key Digital Technologies JU must submit to Vinnova a joint proposal with a national project description according to separate instructions.

National rules

For companies as participants, the following applies when submitting a proposal to KDT JU:

  • A company must be a limited company registered in Sweden.
  • Companies must have a place of business in Sweden.
  • Activities in the project must be carried out in the Swedish operations and project costs must be attributable to the site's activities.
  • Companies must be registered for employer contributions.
  • Companies must have at least two registered annual reports with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
  • The most recently registered annual report must have net sales or equity that corresponds to half of the searchable amount at KDT JU and Vinnova.
  • Companies must have at least SEK 1 million in net sales according to the latest annual report. Net sales do not include public funding from, for example, Vinnova or the EU.
  • Companies must have at least three full-time employees.

For Key Digital Technologies JU, costs in the budget and reporting to Vinnova must be harmonized with financing rules for Horisont Europa. This means that Vinnova and Key Digital Technologies JU expect the same level of cost budget and level when reporting for each Swedish project participant. This means, among other things, that it is Horisont Europa's rules that apply to the calculation of indirect costs (overhead) in the national budget and when reporting to Vinnova.

Observera Vinnovas's national rules and special conditions for participation in KDT JU (links below), otherwise it applies to Vinnova's general terms and conditions for funding.

Link to Vinnova's special conditions KDT JU Calls 2022

Link to Vinnova's national rules - Sweden National rules JU KDT 2022


The maximum funding from Vinnova for a project is equivalent to € 2,000,000. The European Commission finances at the corresponding level.

The maximum funding from Vinnova for a single large company, university / university college and research institute is equivalent to € 1,000,000.

The maximum funding from Vinnova for small and medium-sized companies is equivalent to € 500,000.

Additional funding

To encourage more Swedish companies and organizations to be coordinator in Key Digital Technologies JU, it is possible to apply for support from Vinnova. It is possible to apply for up to SEK 500,000 in funding to be a coordinator during the work on the international proposal for Calls 2022. Proposal must have at least 3 Swedish project partners, of which at least one company and a maximum of 80% of eligible costs can be financed.

For information about the application process, contact Adela Saavedra Granholm and Lars Gustafsson. See contact information further down the page.

Download document templates for your attachments

Plesae download the templates for the documents you need to attach to your application such as a CV or project description.

Särskilda villkor för deltagande i KDT JU Calls 2022 (pdf, 18 kB) Sweden national rules Calls 2022 – KDT JU (pdf, 244 kB)

Any questions?

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Adela Saavedra Granholm


+ 46 8 473 31 50

Lars Gustafsson


+ 46 8 473 32 12

Reference number 2022-00087