Which project can receive funding ?
The transition to a climate-neutral society will require development in a number of areas with both indirect and direct impact on the climate. Here are some examples of which issues that address call for proposal 's overall objective:
- Policy and behavioral issues that promote the transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy, in these issues also include regulations, policy instruments, business models, incentive structures and consumption behaviors.
- How the banking and insurance industry can support the transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy. To enable and accelerate the change in these areas, new ways of assessing, evaluating and managing risks and opportunities are required.
- In a Europe comparison, the reliability of the Swedish railway system is low. How can its quality and disturbance deficiencies be prevented?
- The improvement measures that have been taken in recent years within public Transport have in many cases led to greatly increased costs which are not matched by revenue increases. What can be done to break the evolution of public Transport 's runaway costs that are unsustainable in the long term?
Sustainable cities
- How can housing and urban environments be made sustainable from an economic and social perspective while radically reducing its climate footprint? To achieve this, new green business models are needed that contribute to a transition to climate-neutral and inclusive cities.
- How can universal design be integrated in the early stages of the urban development process, to help create inclusive, safe and climate-neutral cities?