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ForestValue utlysning 2021

Utlysningen syftar till att stödja internationellt samarbete kring hur skogen, nyttjandet av skogen och skogsråvaror på bästa sätt kan bidra till FNs globala hållbarhetensmål, både grundläggande och tillämpad forskning välkomnas. Utlysningen är en del i det europeiska samarbetet ERA-NET ForestValue och genomförs i samarbete med Formas och Energimyndigheten. Ansökan lämnas in via extern websida, se länk nedan till "ForestValue Joint call 2021".

The offer in brief

What can you apply for?

Research and innovation on how forests, forest management and forest raw materials can best contribute to the UN´s global sustainability goals, both on basic and applied research level.

Who can apply?

Needs-owning organizations, companies, universities and research institutes in collaboration. At least 3 parties from 3 different countries participating in this call for proposals. The parties must be legal entities.

How much can you apply for?

300 000 euros to Swedish parties in total per project. An increase of 200 000 euros is possible if a Swedish part is the project coordinator.

Viktiga datum


  • What is the offer about?

    ForestValue Joint Call 2 will support international cooperation in basic and applied research focused on how forests and forest-based activities can best contribute to the UN's global sustainability goals. Call for proposals aims to encourage cross-sectoral cooperation and will address the entire forest-based value chain to develop knowledge to support the best possible use of forests and forest resources, as well as to support the transition to a climate-neutral and circular economy for a sustainable society. The exact focus areas for the call will be broad and cross-cutting and defined by the participating financiers.

    Visit the ForestValue website for more information about the call and the application process, see the link below. More information will be communicated when the call opens in January 2021.


    Proposal takes place via a one-step process, for more information visit the website for ForestValue, see link below.

    Mer om utlysningen och ansökan

    Ansökan sker via en enstegsprocess. 

    Besök ForestValues webbplats för mer information. Där hittar du utlysningstexten samt information om hur du ansöker.



    Om ni har frågor är ni välkomna att kontakta oss.

    Reference number 2020-05108