Eureka cluster co-funding
Here you can see all application rounds for co-funding within Eureka clusters.
Open for application
Offer for project with actors along the entire value chain in information and communication technology.
Closed for application
The offer must support project with actors along the entire value chain within software-intensive systems and services.
For project with actors along the entire ICT value chain, for example digital security, artificial intelligence, 5G, 6G IoT
We support international collaborative projects with actors along the entire value chain for innovative electronics systems.
Eureka ITEA Call 2023 - International innovation projects within software-intensive systems and services
Med det här erbjudandet vill vi stödja internationella samarbetsprojekt med aktörer längs hela värdekedjan för innovativa elektroniksystem. Projekten kan beröra en rad applikationer från system av system, inbäddad mjukvara, elektroniska komponenter, moduler och systemintegration. Lösningarna kan vara tänkta att tillämpas inom exempelvis mobilitet, energi, industriell digitalisering, hälsa, produktion och samhällets digitalisering. Utlysningen görs inom ramen för Eureka-klustret Xecs, ett internationellt innovationskluster med fokus på innovativa elektroniska komponenter och system.
Med det här erbjudandet vill vi stödja projekt med aktörer längs hela värdekedjan inom informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT), exempelvis digital säkerhet, artificiell intelligens, 5G, 6G, Internet of Things, smarta städer eller e-hälsa.
Offer for project with actors along the entire value chain within information and communication technology.
With this offer, we want to support international collaboration projects with actors along the entire value chain for innovative electronic systems. The projects can cover a range of applications, from system of systems, embedded software, electronics components, modules and systems integration to industrial processes and related technologies. The areas of application may come from, for example, mobility, energy, digital industry, health, production and digital society. The call for proposal is launched in the framework of the Eureka-cluster Xecs, an international innovation cluster for smart electronics.
ITEA is an innovation cluster for software-intensive systems and services. The cluster is part of EUREKA where generic technologies of great importance for European competitiveness are developed. With this offer, we want to support projects with players along the entire value chain within software-intensive systems and services. The areas of application may come, for example, from the automotive sector, medical technology, internet services, the security industry, the production area or the software development area itself.
Funding of solutions that can drive sustainable digital transformation.
For project with actors along the entire value chain in ICT, such as digital security, artificial intelligence, 5G, Internet of Things, smart cities or e- health.
Xecs is an international innovation cluster for electronic components and systems. The cluster is part of Eureka.
With this offer, we want to support projects with actors along the entire value chain in advanced manufacturing.
ITEA 3 is an innovation cluster for software-intensive systems and services. The cluster is part of EUREKA where generic technologies of great importance for European competitiveness are developed. With this offer, we want to support projects with players along the entire value chain within software-intensive systems and services. The areas of application may come, for example, from the automotive sector, medical technology, internet services, the security industry, the production area or the software development area itself.
Last updated 25 February 2025
Reference number 2016-00068