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Government assignment final report 2024
Government assignment final report 2024
Here you will find the government assignment we completed in 2024.
This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.
Assignment to develop work on the transition to a circular economy in the construction sector
The government has tasked the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning to, in collaboration with the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova), develop work on the transition to a circular economy in the construction and property sector to contribute to achieving Sweden's environmental and climate goals.
The assignment was carried out by Gustaf Malm and the assignment was finally reported by the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning on December 20, 2024.
Assignment to identify and propose strategically important technologies for Sweden
The government is commissioning the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to lead a process to identify and propose strategically important strategies for Sweden. The assignment will result in a knowledge base for the government for future initiatives that strengthen Sweden's competitiveness and business investments in research and development.
The assignment was finalized on October 31, 2024.
National programme for protein research, method development and production of biological drugs
Together with the Swedish Research Council, we will design a national strategic, multidisciplinary research program on protein research, method development and production of biological drugs. The research program will extend over the period 2016-2023.
The assignment was carried out by Laurent Saunier and the final report was submitted on March 29, 2024.
Mission to support the county administrative boards in developing methods and forms of collaboration for consultation on project aimed at reducing environmental and climate impact
The government assigns the Swedish Agency for Innovation system (Vinnova) to support the county administrative boards in implementing the assignment and thereby contribute expertise and process management to the authorities' work on regulatory and policy development.
The assignment was carried out by Jakob Hellman and the final report was submitted on January 25, 2024.
Mission to develop a coherent data infrastructure for skills provision and lifelong learning
The Government instructs the Swedish Public Employment Service, the National Agency for Education (Skolverket), the Swedish Agency for Higher Education (MYH), the Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Council for Universities and Higher Education, Statistics Sweden, the Swedish Agency for Digital Governance (Digg) and the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to develop the conditions for making data and digital information about education and the labour market available, and to establish forms for managing a coherent data infrastructure for skills provision in lifelong learning.
The assignment was carried out by Anna-Carin Ramsten and the final report was submitted by the Swedish Employment Agency on January 31, 2024.
Mission to assist the Council for Sustainable Cities
Vinnova, together with several other relevant authorities, will, by forming a network, assist the Council in its work of collaborating and identifying effective collaborations and measures that contribute to the development of sustainable cities.
Last updated 21 February 2025