Government assignment final report 2019
Here you will find the government assignment we completed in 2019.
Assignment to propose organization for a national technology park function in connection with the research facilities in European Spallation Source and MAX IV
The government instructs the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to investigate the conditions for and submit proposals for an organization that can be given the national responsibility to coordinate the development of the innovation environment and meeting place at the research facilities European Spallation Source (ESS) and MAX IV, the so-called technology park function, in Science Village in Brunnshög outside Lund.
The assignment was carried out by Margareta Groth. The final report on the assignment was submitted on December 31, 2019.
Assignment to carry out a feasibility study for the establishment of digital innovation hubs in the Digital Europe Programme for the period 2021-2027
The Government is commissioning the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to conduct a feasibility study for the possible establishment of digital innovation hubs, in accordance with the European Commission's proposal for the establishment of the Digital Europe Programme. The feasibility study will assume that the costs of establishing digital innovation hubs are managed within existing funding frameworks.
The assignment was carried out by Andreas Allström. The final report on the assignment was submitted on December 16, 2019.
Assignment to submit analyses as a basis for the government's research policy
The Government instructs the Research Council for health, working life and Welfare (Forte), the Research Council for the Environment, Areal Industries and Community Development (Formas), the National Space Agency, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova) and the Swedish Research Council to, based on their respective areas of responsibility, conduct analyses and submit recommendations that can contribute to the Government's research policy.
The contact person at Vinnova was Göran Marklund. The assignment was finally reported by the Swedish Research Council on 31 October 2019.
Vinnova's input to the assignment
Analyzing the conditions for international research and innovation collaboration in the event of Brexit
We will analyze the changed conditions for Sweden's international research and innovation collaborations in the wake of Brexit. The analysis will be based on our mission and activities. It will include both an assessment of potential new opportunities for Sweden and proposals for measures to mitigate possible negative effects.
The assignment was carried out by Sanna Sjöblom. The final report on the assignment was submitted on May 13, 2019.
Create a cohesive innovation process between authorities
We will investigate how cooperation and coordination between authorities can be improved. The aim is to strengthen the authorities' ability to support innovative companies in regulated industries. By collaborating with regulatory authorities, we will improve the conditions for innovation support, regulatory advice and the permit process to be a coherent process. We will also help the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority how they can facilitate innovation.
The assignment was carried out by Jakob Hellman and Tobias Öhman. The final report on the assignment was submitted on March 31, 2019.
Contribute to the work of the government's partnership programmes for innovation
We will assist in the work with the government's partnership programmes for innovation during the period 2016-2018. Among other things, we will submit proposals for participants to external reference groups for the collaboration programs and arrange dialogue forums with these reference groups. We will also contribute to the work of identifying ongoing or planned initiatives for innovation within the designated collaboration programs.
We will also help the reference groups and working groups in the Government Offices to produce an analysis of the area's current situation and development needs. The analysis will serve as a basis for communication about the collaboration programs.
The assignment was carried out by Maria Landgren. The assignment was finalised on 31 March 2019.
Participate in collaborative projects to exploit potential of digitalization in industry
Under 2016-2018 we will implement initiatives to harness potential of digitalization for increased competitiveness in Swedish industry. The initiatives will be based on a pooling of forces between research environments and business based on Swedish industrial strengths.
The contact persons for the assignment were Cecilia Sjöberg and Annika Zika-Viktorsson. The assignment was finally reported onMarch 31, 2019.
Last updated 21 February 2025