Current government assignment
The government assigns us to investigate various issues, so-called government assignment. Here you will find current government assignment.
The government's mission to Vinnova
Vinnova receives an appropriation letter from the government every year. The appropriation letter governs the year's activities and specifies objective, budget and how the budget is to be distributed. It also contains eligibility requirements for reporting and special assignments.
The Government's mandate for Vinnova 2025 (Regulation Letter)
Council for Living Cities
The Council for Living Cities will contribute to the sustainable development of attractive cities. The Council will work to implement the government's urban development policy.
The assignment will be finalised on 31 December 2030.
Mission to contribute to the development of crime prevention work
The government is tasked with contributing to the development of
crime prevention work. The authorities shall, based on their current tasks and conditions, analyze which measures the authority can contribute to crime prevention work. To the extent that it is deemed appropriate, and within existing financial frameworks, the authorities shall also begin implementing such measures.
The assignment must be completed by August 31, 2025.
Assignment to report results within the framework of the government's development program for gender mainstreaming in government agencies
The Government is tasked with reporting, within the framework of the Government's development program for gender mainstreaming in government agencies QiM, results and, if possible, the effects of work carried out during the current program period 2020-2025. The assignment also includes reporting on lessons learned and any continuing gender equality challenges that the agency has identified within the framework of its JiM work.
The assignment must be completed by January 20, 2026.
Assignment to design long-term national support to stimulate the use of innovative outcome-focused working methods and investment models
Assignment to the Public Health Agency and the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to prepare, design and implement long-term national support to stimulate the use of innovative outcome-focused working methods and investment models such as social outcome contracts
The assignment must be finalised by March 31, 2027.
Assignment to analyze how a contact point for regulatory pilot activities should be structured and implemented
The government is commissioning the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to analyze how a contact point for regulatory sandboxes for net-zero technology for experimental activities should be structured and implemented.
The assignment must be completed by February 28, 2025.
Assignment on joint data collection and data sharing of government funding to companies and business promotion actors
The Government is assigning the Digital Governance Agency (Digg) Myndigheten for growth policy evaluations and analyses (Tillväxtanalys), Statistics Sweden (SCB) Tillväxtverket) and the Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to develop and implement a joint method for information exchange and data sharing between agencies.
The assignment must be completed by February 1, 2027.
Mission to coordinate and streamline public support for young innovative companies
The government is instructing the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to establish and coordinate a structure for better coordination of public support for young innovative companies, so-called startups and scaleups.
The assignment is being carried out by Emelie Falk. The assignment will be reported on August 30, 2027.
Assignment to report on the implementation of regional development policy and cohesive county council policy
The Government is tasked with describing and reporting in more detail how the activities have contributed to the goals of regional development policy and cohesive county council policy, and in relevant parts how their activities have been of significance to the EU's cohesion policy. Vinnova shall in particular report how the activities have contributed with efforts and what results have been achieved within the strategic area of innovation and renewal as well as entrepreneurship and business throughout the country.
The assignment is carried out by Jonas Brändström. The assignment must be reported no later than January 31, 2027.
Mission to strengthen research and innovation for sixth generation wireless systems (6G)
The Government is assigning the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (Vinnova) to plan, implement and follow up on an effort to strengthen applied research and innovation within sixth generation wireless communication systems (6G). The assignment will be carried out in collaboration with the Swedish Research Council.
The assignment is carried out by Frédéric Pillot. The assignment must be reported on no later than March 31, 2027.
Assignment to the Swedish Armed Forces and the Agency for innovation system to initiate and implement an innovation program for civil-military synergies.
The Swedish Armed Forces and the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) are tasked with jointly initiating, planning for, implementing and following up on an innovation program with aim of utilizing civil-military synergies in research and development.
The assignment will be reported annually in Vinnova's annual report.
Mission to promote responsible internationalisation in education, research and innovation collaborations
The Government is assigning the Swedish Council for Universities and Higher Education, the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to propose how the work on responsible internationalisation in higher education, research and innovation conducted at universities and university colleges, at state research funders and other authorities can be promoted.
The assignment is being carried out by Ann-Marie Fineman. The final report on the assignment is due no later than December 15, 2024.
Mission to strengthen aeronautical research, development and innovation
The government is giving the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) the task of strengthening aeronautical research, development and innovation through a new program period of the aviation engineering research (NFFP).
The assignment will be reported in Vinnova's Annual Report.
Mission to increase efforts within the innovation and research program Advanced digitalisation
The government is assigning the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to strengthen the innovation and research program Advanced digitalisation.
The program constitutes a complementary initiative to other efforts within the authority, which aims to strengthen Sweden's position internationally regarding the next generation of advanced and powerful digital solutions.
The assignment is carried out by Jessica Svennebring. The final report on the assignment must be submitted no later than March 31, 2028.
Mission to establish an innovation cluster for the commercialization of advanced pharmaceuticals
The government is commissioning the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to establish a national innovation cluster for commercialization, skills development and production capacity for cell therapies and other advanced therapies for the whole of Sweden. The innovation cluster will utilize research results from universities and university colleges and the healthcare sector, as well as accelerate growth of new companies and provide commercialization support to small, medium-sized and large companies.
The assignment is carried out by Anna Tegnesjö. The assignment must be finalised by 30 September 2025.
Assignment to establish and participate in a national analysis network for sustainable regional development throughout the country 2022–2030
The Government assigns the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (in collaboration with selected authorities) to establish an analysis network for sustainable regional development throughout the country 2022 - 2030, with the aim and mission as stated under the heading Further description of the mission. Furthermore, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth shall coordinate and lead the network's work. The Government Offices (Ministry of Enterprise, Industry and Trade) shall be given the opportunity to follow and participate in the work.
The assignment is carried out by Göran Marklund.
Assignment to be responsible for a national coordination function and co-financing for the Digital Europe Programme
The Government assigns the Swedish Agency for Digital Governance (Digg) to, together with the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova), be responsible for a national coordination function for the Digital Europe programme during the period 2022–2027. In addition, the Government assigns Vinnova to manage the national co-financing for the EU programme for 2022.
The assignment must be completed by March 31, 2028.
Assignment to develop work on strategic innovation programs for transformative transition and sustainable development
The Government is assigning the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova), together with selected authorities, to develop the work on the strategic innovation programs, within the framework of strategic innovation areas, with the goal that new and existing programme contribute more clearly to transformative transition and sustainable development, as a basis for global competitiveness and societal benefit.
The assignment is carried out by Jenny Elfsberg.
National Contact Points (NCP) mandate for the European Union Framework Programme for research and Innovation
The Government assigns authorities to host organisations for National Contact Points (NCPs) in accordance with the Commission's division of areas for the specific programme within the European Union Framework Programme for research and Innovation, Horisont Europa, and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) research and training programmes.
The assignment is carried out by Jenny Wanselius and the final report must be submitted no later than December 31, 2027.
Assignment to implement efforts for the utilization and commercialization of innovation
The Government instructs the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova), the Swedish Procurement Authority (UHM) and the Swedish Patent and Registration Office (PRV) to implement initiatives to increase the utilization and commercialization of research and innovation and thereby contribute to welfare and the competitiveness of the business sector as well as the development and transformation of society.
The assignment must be completed by March 31, 2025.
Assignment to be responsible for the European Union's Framework Programme for research and Innovation (Horisont Europa) and for Euratom's research and training programmes
The Government assigns, among other things, Vinnova (the Swedish Agency for Innovation system) to be responsible for the European Union's framework programme for research and innovation and to be responsible for the European Atomic Energy Community's research and education programme in the parts specified in the assignment from 2021 to 2025.
The assignment must be completed by December 31, 2027.
Assignment to implement measures under 2020-2025 within the framework of the food strategy
The Government instructs the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to, within the framework of the food strategy, carry out innovation-promoting work with a focus on the food chain under 2020-2025, in order to achieve the strategy's overall objective of increased food production that is sustainable and competitive.
The mission aims to strengthen innovation work within the Swedish food chain, partly through increased innovation levels, and partly by promoting increased cross-sectoral collaboration, e.g. in the form of a forum for collaboration.
The assignment is carried out by Joanna Franzén and the final report must be submitted no later than February 28, 2026.
Assignment to carry out a renewed effort in financial market research
The Government instructs Vinnova, after consultation with the Swedish Research Council, to carry out a new long-term effort on financial market research. The overall goal for the financial market area is the goals decided by the Riksdag regarding financial stability, functioning markets with high confidence, high consumer protection and that the financial system should contribute to sustainable development. The goal of the research effort is to contribute to these objective.
The assignment is carried out by Ulf Öhlander.
Missions regarding the European Spallation Source and MAX IV
The Government instructs the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Agency for innovation system (Vinnova) to jointly coordinate national efforts for the European spallation source European Spallation Source (ESS) and the national research facility MAX IV.
The assignment is carried out by Peter Eriksson and the final report must be submitted no later than May 31, 2025.
Mission to strengthen work on international innovation collaborations
Vinnova has been tasked with strengthening work on strategic international innovation collaborations and innovation partnerships and assisting the Government Offices in the realization of these collaborations.
The assignment is carried out by Karin Rydén and will be reported in Vinnova's Annual Report.
Annual reporting of International Agreements concluded by administrative authorities
The assignment is carried out by Jonas Brändström. Reporting is done annually on January 31.
Establish a function for Testbed Sweden
We will establish a national coordinating function for strengthened testing and demonstration activities as part of Testbed Sweden. We will conduct a study with aim of developing proposals to promote Testbed Sweden, and establish a national coordinating function.
We will make it more attractive for businesses and other actors to invest in Swedish innovation environments. We will also increase the use and commercialization of research and other innovative ideas.
The assignment will be reported annually in Vinnova's annual report.
Last updated 21 February 2025
Page manager: Birgit Augustsson