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Our translation tools

We use Sven, our translation tool, to translate webpages into English.

This web page has been machine translated. If there are any uncertainties, please refer to the Swedish text.

With the help of our translation gadget, one can translate several types of pages with AI, such as standard pages, calendar pages, AO pages and news pages. The machine translation is linked to Vinnova's lexicon.

Add translation gadget

In the Resource window, you can add a gadget called Translate content to English. Press the gear and select Add gadget.


Select Translate the content of a page.


The gadget will be added to the bottom of the Resource window.

Use translation gadget

The translation gadget has two functions:

  1. Translate - creates a new translated draft.
  2. Simulate with report - creates a report that shows which texts on the page will be translated (no translation will be done).


When you want to make a translation, go to the Swedish page and press Translate in the gadget. Then you can switch to the English version under the websites tab, or at the top of the page in the gray field. engelska.PNGöversättning3.PNG

In addition to the text and blocks on the page, puff text and SEO text will also be translated. In order for the English page to be visible, you need to publish it just as usual.


When you use the translation function, a disclaimer will automatically appear at the top of the page.


If you make manual changes to the text, you must remove this disclaimer, because then the text will no longer count as max translated. Go under the Settings tab on the English version of the page and change from "machine translated" to "manually translated" and the disclaimer will disappear.


Stoppa Sven (machine translation)

There may be times when the page should not be machine translated, for example manual edits have been made to the English page. Then it is possible to lock the page from machine translation.

Lock page from machine translation

  1. Open the English version of the page that should not be able to be machine translated by Sven.
  2. Go to All properties and tab Settings.
  3. Scrolling down to the field Machine translatedand select in the list Manually translated.
  4. Publish your edits.

The result is that when you try to translate the Swedish version of the page into English, you get the view below.


Other resources for translation

The translation service Sven

On the intranet you can find Vinnova's translation service SVEN. It is based on Google Translate, but with Vinnova's lexicon as a base. The text will also be anonymized so that names, e-mails and phone numbers are not sent to Google.

Translation via agency

You can find general information about translation on the intranet.

Last updated 3 October 2024

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